Operation Dust Devil Part One

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Your chopper lands along with the other 7.
More choppers are coming but your the first team to get settled.
The Camps have already been set up.
All you have to do is find your units barracks and Settle in.
You, Ela and Zofia
Find your Tent and set up your place.
You can't get too attached to it.
This is war. There is no guarantee that you will return home. Nobody can save you on an open firefight. There is one guarantee. You can die or you can cheat death.

"Ela. Are you ready?"

"For what Y/N?"

"To go back to war"

"No one is ready. But as you can at the least prepare."

"That is true."

She kisses you and leaves for her briefing.

"Shit. This could be it. Not only do I have to survive the initial battle but I have to do it maybe 100 times over."

This isn't like eliminating a simple Terrorist threat. This is strength in numbers. There are tanks! Trucks! Enemies are packing so much heat you could call one battalion a summer.
This isn't anything you have done before.

Ela wasn't pregnant. She was just sick. But if you died she would have to move on. Your child wouldn't be yours.
What if she didn't move on?
What if she lived her entire life without loving?
She would be sad until she inevitably died alone.
No one really knows for sure what happens after that.
Is it a heaven where your rewarded for your mortal deeds?
Or is it just an endless void?
Is it a place for you to go after death?
Or is it just nothing where your born you die and you decompose?

It's things like this that make people question life. No one knows. But you probably won't be around to see someone figure it out. In fact, the earth probably won't be around for anyone to figure it out.

Where would the earth go?
It's technically a living thing.
Does it have a heaven?
Or is it just a rock that floats and will eventually dry out?
Like Mars.
It once had water.
But now it's nothing.

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Zofia
"What are you doing?"

"Thinking Zofia"

"Are you thinking about banging my sister?"

"When will you let that go Zofia?"

"When you bang me"

"What!? Zofia you have a husband!"

"What? Y/N what are you talking about?"

"You just asked me to bang you!"

"No I didn't! Your a pig Y/N"
Zofia left the tent leaving you alone with your thoughts.

"I must be having heat stroke or something."

Ela entered the tent.

"Hey Ela!"

"I want to break up."

"Ela, What? Why?"

"I'm tired of you Y/N"

"No! Ela! Why?"

You began to cry

"Ela are you serious?"

Ela walked away.

You collapsed on the floor crying but when you opened your eyes it was your dad... he died in a car crash.

The Doctor! (Not Doc) Rainbow Six Siege x Male ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ