Chapter Two

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If you've ever had a near-death experience, then you might have a slight feeling on what it's like to drive with Johnathan. It's traumatic.

He never passed his test. Never, not once.

The only reason he got his license is because the last time he took his driving test, the lady was just staring at him the whole time. She wasn't even focused on the road. His charismatic character is what got him his license, which makes for a death-defying driving experience.


As we pull up by the school, I begin to freak out, and not because of the car ride.

I don't like talking to people. At all.

I never want to be around them because all they do is judge, and it makes me so angry. We'd all live much better lives if no one criticizes us for who we really are.

But it's not just that. I flip out and start to hyperventilate when I realize I have to talk to people. I don't know why, but I just can't do it.

It's hard.

It's stressful.

It's something that I cannot do, because I know I will mess everything up if I do.

Johnathan gently grasps my hand, causing me to flinch a little. He looks me directly in the eye with an encouraging expression. "It's only eight hours and then you're home free."

I sigh. "Eight hours is a long time, plus when we have all the teachers rambling on, it feels like you're doubling the time.."

He nods. "Yeah.. I have that problem too. I swear they do it on purpose, but I still like to listen; you do learn quite a lot from it."

"But they could at least talk with more enthusiasm. They could try and make us do something interactive, anything." There's an edged plea in my voice that wasn't there a second ago.

"Annabel, they try. Just give them a chance, okay?"

"I'll try... but no promises."

He grins. "Trying is better than nothing."

His response makes me smile faintly, despite the millions of things that's running through my head right now.

As I get out of the car, I set a goal for myself, stating that I must try and talk to one new person today. I'm not sure how that'll work out, but it's a start.

I clutch my books and textbooks close to my chest, careful not to drop them in the sea of people by the busy corridors. People stampede past the lockers, pushing everyone out of their way.

As I take one hand to unlock my locker, struggling with the books in my other, one of the football jocks decides to barge into me. My textbooks scatter across the floor, open and crumpled. I sigh and start picking them up as fast as I can, careful not to hurt anyone.

He smirks. "Better watch where you're going, next time your clumsiness might get you in some serious trouble."

I ignore his remark, grab my books and hurry to class before anything else happens.

I see tons of posters as I walk down the corridor. They're all so colourful and bright, maybe a little too cheery for me.

They all say things like "Sign up for Cheer!" or "Save the Planet Earth!"

I ignore the rest and continue on to class.


One thing about Mr. Avery:

He is a total pack rat.

He literally has piles and piles of useless things on his used-to-be bookshelf.

It's gotten so bad, I can't even see the books that were there in the beginning of the year.

He calls it the meaning of life, because we stress over all the meaningless stuff, that our lives are full of useless things, and once we get rid of the junk, we are able to find the things that truly mean something to us.

I understand what he's trying to say, but some kids just think it's a bunch of junk.

As Mr. Avery starts telling us about how wonderful adverbs are, I sneak to the back of the classroom and quietly listen, dreading the part where he starts calling on people to answer questions that nobody knows the answer to.

Johnathan sits at the very front of the classroom with all the other jocks, as usual. He tries to sit next to me when he can, but I understand why he can't.

People judge. They'll scrutinize him, and even though he doesn't care if they do, I'll stop him, because I don't want to hurt his reputation. He hates when I do it but, I feel like it would be best for the both of us.

I bury my head in my book and try to block out the rest of the world. Since Mr. Avery is reviewing things we already know, I block him out. I try to be invisible to every living creature here.

"Ms. Farewell, care to join us again?" I realize he's talking to me, and the whole class is staring at me.

I fumble when I put my book down. "S-Sorry sir, it won't happen again."

"It better not." He mutters loud enough for all of us to hear.

I didn't realize my hands were shaking so badly. So much for being invisible.

I try to shake it off so I don't cause a scene in front of the whole class. Sometimes I begin having panic attacks for no reason whatsoever.

Johnathan turns around and holds up five fingers; 5 minutes until class ends. 5 minutes until I'm home free.

I close my eyes and start counting down.


I put my books in my backpack, careful not to make a sound.


I make sure Mr. Avery isn't looking when I drop my textbook in my bag as well.


I quickly write down the homework so I don't forget it.


Almost there. It's almost over.


The bell rings, and I dash out of there before anyone else can see me.

As I'm running, I accidentally slam into a guy and his papers spill everywhere.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I start scrambling to pick up the papers for him.

I hear him laugh as he bends down, "It's fine, it happens all the time."

"Are you hurt at all? Are you okay?"

"I'm alright," he smiles, "it's not everyday a pretty girl runs into you."

I look up at him. He has brown hair, and insanely dark eyes, but his black framed glasses hide it. He was in my history class last year, but we didn't talk.

I never really talk to anyone, because of obvious reasons.

I hand him his papers, "I really am sorry, I didn't mean to do it, it's just.... I really wanted to get out of this place."

He stands up and gives me a hand. "It's alright, I was thinking the same thing."

My cheeks feel hot and my throat is dry. "So I guess I'll see you around?"

"Hope so." He's still smiling. Why is he smiling so much? I literally just tackled him without meaning to, and he's all happy about it? I don't think that's how it works.

I need to get out of here before I embarrass myself even more.

I smile awkwardly, "So.... yeah, I'll see you around."

He nods and starts walking away, and I quickly get out of this place before anything else happens.

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