#nomorebullying June Challenge

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Bully • (n)
A person who's habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people.

Millions of people get bullied every single day. However, only 25% of them ever say anything about it.

Now, I understand that speaking up and confiding is hard for some, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.

Here are some ways that you can beat the bullies:

1. Be brave.
Sometimes a bit of bravery is all it takes to scare them off.

2. Be confident in who you are.
Bullies tend to get bored quickly if you're confident in yourself, because they know that they can't get to you.

3. Make sure you're not alone.
Bullies tend to think that it's easier to pick on you when you're alone, so always try to have a friend with you.

Bullies can't harm those who speak up.


I want you to take part in the #nomorebullying June Challenge.
All you have to do is write a general message to someone who's being bullied. No personal information should be shared, and it must be 140 words or less.

Make sure to tag your story as nomorebullying and joyinjune so others can read it :)

I tag:

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