ch.20 lies and truth

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Meliodas beat the monster but told them I helped. "That's weird everyone has a weapon but why do you have a torch?" Arthur asks "uh.. Something to do with the darkness and stuff. It's the only thing that can burn a demon." They all look amazed.

"I mean if I knew which form but I never have time to test it out." "Oh." Suddenly something happens I can feel someone who isn't human... "Captain do you feel that?" He nods.

We all turn and our eyes widen in fear. It's galand the truth! One of the ten Commandments! "Hahaha! Things have changed in the last 3000 years! A bit crapped though!" He swings and destroys building around him.

I jump in front of the people near me to help them not feel the blast. "Well well well look who it is... Things have changed in years!" Meliodas swings but galand hits.

"Oh I see your sending copies oh yourself so the real one can attack me from behind!" He swings at meliodas and he falls on the ground. Galand stabs a sword in his eye. "sir meliodas!" Holy knights went but back. "perfect cube!" merlin puts perfect cube on arthur, elizabeth, and hawk.

"kim you cant fight him hes too strong." merlin orders. Diane in her giant form gets hit in the head and thrown on the ground. "I cant just stand here and do nothing!""kim... I know your afraid... but you want to help but... you cant--" I pull away. 

"merlin i'm afraid of dying but standing here seeing... I cant. I'm not like you guys I can try- I want to try ok?" "your not afraid of dying? "of course i am! If I dye i'll never see ban or anyone else!... But I can take him down... Ive done it once... I can try again?" "once?" 

I pull out the sword ban found me with and my sacred treasure "well well well... Look who it is our little customer" I put away my sword. "galand! long time no see, how you been?" Everyone is confused. He laughs "you know here and there, taking souls and all that fun stuff" I gulp.

"Galand.. You don't mind if I uh... kill you-- or you can leave!--" "kim you've changed. Your not even acting like a co---" I cover his mouth. "shh! I'm not coming back... But I'll think about it ok?" "your not lying?" "i'm not stone so yes i'm telling the truth. I'm not lying as my title says I do." He smirks.

"i'll leave. But be back... thats the truth. goodbye lies" "good bye truth" He then jumps up and away. I fall on the ground laughing. Everyone is a bit scared. "geez can you see what I just went threw I'm glad I can lie cause that would mean.. well.---"

I soon get knocked out.

Wow that was strange see ya guys bye!

(Complete) Ban's twin sister. The Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now