ch.18 unforgettable to forgiveness

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We defeat hendy (Hendrickson) and the sins were finally hero's. When we got back it was just me, meliodas and ban plus hawk which he kinda died and turned small.

I look over to ban. He looks at me and turns his head in anger. Meliodas leans over to me, "what did you do again?" I sigh "i-i don't want to talk about it ok? I-i just going to go look for Diane to talk to someone about things." I hop up out of my seat and as I'm walking out the door I say, "at least she forgives me"

Then close the door.

Ban's pov

Kim says something and it makes me so mad. Why would I forgive her after she almost killed me and killed the woman that I love?! I slam the pan I'm cooking down in anger.

"Wow ban are you ok?" Meliodas asks. "I'm fine. It's just I'm... I'm.. I'm so anger at her!" "Ok so your not fine--" "Quiet master!" "O-ok ok shutting up now." "Yeah good."

Meliodas walks over and sits down in front of me. "Look what happened?" "She killed my girlfriend by sending the red demon! I could choke her right now!! If I'd known that she would have already been ground beef!"

"Have you asked her on her pov?" "Captain I don't care about that! I'm never going to forgive her!" "What will make you forgive her?" "If my girlfriend comes back to life." "Right since that won't happen anytime soon how about you ask Diane? She knows everything about her now. There besties after all."

I nod. "I'll do it tonight."

Kim's pov

I sit in the woods crying to afraid to tell anyone. " Lady Kim are you crying?" I look and see Elizabeth. "Yeah kinda... Wait why do you wanna know?" "I just wanted to know if you were ok... Wanna help me look for food for the boar hat?" I get up and walk with her.

"I heard what happened... You've been threw a lot..." I put my head down. "I-im just glad meliodas helped me... I don't know what to do I messes up really bad..." "Did you apologize?" "N-no I don't think so. But he said he wouldn't forgive me." She turns to me.

"That's what you need to do from the bottom of your heart tell him that you are sorry." I nod.

That night bans POV

Diane told me that Kim never came to her. Huh? I wonder where she went?

Kim's pov

That night holy knights and everyone else celebrates and I know I have to do it tonight! Or... I don't know.... I walk over to ban and tug on the back of his coat like a little kid (I know I'm the one writing this but I feel like I'm really there and I'm getting nervous idk! 😂)

"What?" "C-can we talk... Alone? Just use like in the woods or something?" He puts down his mug and we go. "Hey where you guys off too?" Meliodas asks.

"Uh, just a walk to catch up on stuff." "Ok" I stop at a cliff with the view of the castle. "Ban... I don't know what to say or how to change anything---" "You can't change anything about what happened."

Oh.... "I-i know ban just... Even if you won't forgive me.... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for making fun of her and for... Killing her.. I'm sorry for everything.. I'm just... I'm probably jealous that you have everything and i just have... Nothing."

I stare on time the kingdom. "Kim sit with me." I look over and see him on a log. I wipe it off a bit and sit.

"I can't really forgive you for what you did." "I know if I was you I wouldn't either--" "But... I can set that aside for now I guess.. And we can go back to being twins." He wraps his arms around me and I smile.

"Thanks ban.---" Suddenly the fireworks come up. "Ooo! Look!" I rush over and look. "Wow I didn't know you liked bright stuff." I blush and look away. "I don't like fireworks just haven't seen any before."

"Lies. When we were kids in the Ravens we sat and watched them from up top of a building." I roll my eyes. "That was years ago. But anyway thanks for forgiving me... I haven't even aged because of that deal and ive hurt so many people... I wouldn't forgive myself."

He grins. "Well good thing there's some one who will forgive you."

Yas! They forgive each other who's happy? Me? Just me? I see one hand! Ok two people. Huh?

Readers: me! (I hope)
Me: (o^∀^o)

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