ch.19 sacred treasure!

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"Kim.... Kim... I'm leaving." My eyes open a little. "W-what ban? Where did you get that outfit?" "It's doesn't matter. I'm leaving the sins ok?" I get up he puts me down. "Am I dreaming?" He shakes his head.

"Don't follow me. I'm going off to try to bring back Elaine. I'm going alone." "I can bet 5 sliver coins someone will follow you." He chuckles. "Ok ok. But goodbye. I just want you to do good on your own ok? Be strong." He hugs me and I hug him back. "Ok you can go back to sleep."

My eyes soon close and I fall asleep hearing footsteps go away. Did he really leave?


I hear noise downstairs and walk downstairs. "Kim! Your not wearing the new outfit I gave you! Where's king and ban?" Diane asks I shrug. "I'll put it on don't worry... Ban left the sins." Everyone gasps.

"How do you know?" I look down at hawk at normal size. "He told me ok? He just left and told me he was leaving."


I put on the new outfit (up top). I walk downstairs and meliodas is being a pervert to Elizabeth while hawk is defending her. "Lady Kim I'm glad your wearing the outfit I got you." I smile. "You got some taste princess." Meliodas walks over in his new outfit.

"Nothing compared to mine." I roll my eyes. "Sure captain." "I'm so glad you love it, me and Diane picked it out and I made some new changes." "Well thanks."

"Kim did you hear we're getting metals?" Hawk says with joy. "What why?" "For saving the kingdom." I lean back. "No offence princess but... I'm not a hero." They all are confused.

"I mean I dont really seem like a hero... I'm sorry princess but I'll just watch and maybe I'll take the the metal... I don't want to be someone like she's not a real hero! You know what I mean?" Meliodas leans over to Elizabeth "she just has stage fright nothing much."

Well... That's true. "I-ill just wait here ok?--" "Actually Kim I've been looking for you." I turn and see Merlin. "Oh yeah sure as long as it doesn't have anything to do with the demons I think you know my answer." "That's exactly my question." I sit down and cross my legs.

"Sorry Merlin maybe after I get over what happened." "And when  will this be?" I shrug. "Maybe never, I don't know ok?" "Well I'll be waiting." "You'll be waiting for a long time."

"Hey Kim do you think king is mad that you killed his sister?" Meliodas asks trying to dodge the fighting. "Yes I think he looks mad at me... I don't know I guess everyone is just mad at me!" I rush outside and slam the door I sit in front of the boar hat and soon drift away into sleep.

Later that day

I wake up. Suddenly I feel earthquake and wonder if the others are back from the ceremony. This feeling feels familiar... Could it be.. No they were banished... It has to be them.

I rush into the kingdom and find Diane fighting gowther? I take  one nap and this happens! "Kim take zeal and run! Make sure he's to safety!" Kids? I'm not good with them but ok. "O-ok I guess."

I grab him and start running. "Blackout!" I hear. Oh no oh no. That only happens to people is there strength is lower than-- geez I'm not strong at all!

I fall on the ground into his blackout spell.

Where am I? I look around I see a street. Am I.. Back at home? The Ravens? Me and bans home? Our childhood home? I look around and then a paper flies in my face. A wanted poster? Oh just my wanted poster.

"You know... There's a lot you don't know about yourself." I turn and see a young man not just a young man.... A cute one. Time to break the ice! "Who are you handsome?" I flirt. He laughs. "Sis that's not funny. It's a shame we never knew each other... Your hair hasn't changed color? Or your eyes... Oh well... Sis either I'll find you."

Who is this guy? "Ban? Is that you?!" "Ban? Don't call me that call me my name. Wait do you not remember me? We played as kids near 5 till---" I hear someone call my name over and over.

"Oh ok. I guess I'll see you soon. Your 'brother' is telling less than he's suppose to be. Ask him some questions you would have never thought of and come visit me ok?"

"Who are you?" "I'm----"

My eyes slowly open my eyes. "Hey Kim I'm glad your ok." A holy knight? I haven't even seen him before... Who is he? His pink hair isn't ringing a bell either.

"Who are you?" "I-im holy knight Gil thunder. I-i was with you during the battle of Hendrickson and I saw you turn into---" I cover his mouth.

"Ok I still don't remember but it's ok. Why did you save me?" "Y-your a sin and helped save the kingdom, your a hero--" "Don't call me that." "O-ok."

"Kim!" I look up and see meliodas. "How long have you been in blackout?" "Uh...--" "Never mind that me, Elizabeth, Slade (the guy calling Merlin big sister with a metal mask... Just being clear.) Merlin and Diane and hawk are heading to Camelot to help Arthur.

I nod and keep running. " Thanks stranger!" I yell to Gil thunder. We make it over to Camelot as Merlin telporpted the boar hat.
All of are eyes widen when I see one of the commandments toys.
A demon. But not that strong thank goodness.

"Kim do you wanna go and beat him?" Meliodas asks me. "You want me to go down and fight that beast?!" "Kim can you just--" He smirks.

"Your right. I mean it's not like you could do it." What? "Captain what are you saying? I could take that thing down... Blindfolded!" He laughs "as if! that thing would break you in a snap!" I get mad.
Merlin comes over. "Captain what are you doing to her? You know that only gets her mad." He smirks to his plan.

I grab spades huge sword and whistle. Birds come storming in. They start attacking "wow Kim I didn't know you could call animals." Merlin says, "long story got to beat meliodas!" Me and meliodas go and I yell.

"Captain I can do this!!" "I was just trying to make you get out here to fight this!" "Say what?--" "Look out!" He wasn't talking to me it's holy knights from Camelot and Arthur.

"Sir meliodas! Who's this--" I point my finger at myself. "Panda sin of fear kid! Sister of ban and Kim's my name!" "No way another sin!?" I swing the sword at the beast and I chop his hand off.

It falls and I jump inside that beasts arm to slice it. As I do meliodas get his sword back his scared treasure. "Kim catch!" I look up and see my torch.

My eyes widen and I grab it. "Flames it's good to see you, Merlin you dug this up from the ground?" "What? Oh course not. I just found it hanging on someone's house in Camelot." Wow.

"Ready?" Meliodas asks me. I nod "sacred treasure open!" We both say. "Lady's first?" I smirk. "Sure."  I get ready. "Sacred treasure! Form 1: Call of fire!" Nothing happens I clear my throat. "I meant call of ever lasting flames!" The ground starts to shake and I he out my torch.

"Now release!" I hold it with my both hands an director get pushed back a little. The monster goes to flames and it takes a while to put it out. Like... A long time.

"Wow!" I hear people cheer. "Cute Kim, but watch this." He jumps up and says something and turns into five meliodas's. He then slices the monster as it dies.

"Cute. My trick was cute---" the crowd cheers. "I lost?!" "Yep."

Chapter ended! Bye guys! See ya! 😆😆😆

(Complete) Ban's twin sister. The Seven Deadly SinsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu