ch.15 jealousy

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"Kim!" "Kim wake up." "Kim!" I get up and punch the closet person to me. It's ban and were still in the forest of fears. "Hey Kim glad to have you back. You remember anything?" I nod.

"I can't believe I forgot everything that happened... Wow I was so chum but its glad to be back." "Glad to have to back"

"You dropped this" He gives me a sword. "This isn't mine." "Well it came in your hand after you fainted. I hold it in my hand. As were walking back I ask ban, "Hey ban... As kids.. You always asked me to do stuff and when you were learning to steal... You never really let me join.. How come?" He stops and turns to me.

"Well I didn't want you to be an outcast someone who has steal and if you wanted to change your mind.. You couldn't.. I just wanted to protect you and make us safe, that's all. And I always did let you follow me around."

Wait what? "Really?" He nods "you would stay st night with Zhivago and in the morning follow me around. You also copied me a lot. He would tell me to take stuff and when I told you just to watch I would fail but you would always do better and that made me jealous... I was kinda jealous for a few years till I got better."

I laugh. "What's so funny?" "Its just... I was always jealous of you ban. I thought you were the center of attention and tried it be just like you 24/7." He starts to laugh with me. "Is that why you cut you hair that one time?" I nodded. "I guess we were.. Always following behind our backs... I did see one of your memories," "Huh really?" He nods.

"The voice person put me inside of it and I just related to what you were saying I put you on my chest because... I've never seen you cry... Not once that memory... I just had to because I was so surprised to just see you cry."

"Y-youve never seen me cry?" I ask. "Well you never do cry. I don't know how you so hard core! That's one of the reasons I was so jealous!" We both start to laugh again.

I can't believe he I'd jealous of me too... Wow. We make it back and I tell them I'm back to normal I try to be a bit nicer. I step outside to Diane. "Oh hey Kim what's up?" I smile. "Just saying hi to my bestie." Hey eyes turn to stars.

"Aw! You remember! I'm so so so happy! Did you have fun while you were gone?" "Kinda... I was a bit scared the first few times but I learned to face my fears.. I also got some sword."

I show her. "Oh! I have a thing to hold your sword it's in my backpack" She shows me and I use it. "Thanks Diane."

We go to a safe place to prepare dinner. "Hey Kim can you get some fruits from the forest?" Meliodas asks. "Ok" I put my hand together and whistle. I move aside and push a few baskets.

Everyone is confused but soon a whole bunch of birds drop different kinds of fruits. "Do you think the animals are tired of you calling them?" Hawk asks. "Well I can talk to animals like your mom hawk and to be honest the actually like me and sometimes wont stay away from me."

"Really?" Elizabeth asks. I nod. "Well how about one picks you up and swoops you away." Ban laughs. "No that's what I'm scared off---"

Ban's pov

Kim gets picked up but some birds and I just giggle. "Hey! Drop me please!" She begs. She makes some bird sounds and soon they drop her. (Softly)

Kim's pov

I get dropped and feel dizzy. "Wow your right." We soon eat and me and ban are talking when gowther asks me and ban "tell me what kind of relationship do you two have?" Ban spits out his drink and I shake my head.

Everyone looks at us. "Gowther buddy take it easy! Were just siblings! He's my brother!" "Oh. I thought because you two talk a lot to each other but I can see that you guys have the same feathers."

"There was this one time I did dye my hair brown but that's only because me and ban looked too much alike and I was tired of people asking oh is that your little brother or you two twins looks so cute!"

"Wait why would they say you look older ban is way taller tan you" Ban looks away because as kids I wad taller than him. "I use to be a bit taller than ban that until he grew super tall."

Meliodas giggles. "But now you short---" "Captain you can't  even talking"

Chapter done! 🍟🍟🍟🍟🍔🍔🍔

(Complete) Ban's twin sister. The Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now