ch.5 look alikes

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We eat and celebrate. "Kim are your injuries ok?" I look up at king. "Yeah I'm fine. I mean I was just tired." Soon we learn that king as two forms and that freaks ban out.

I just watch. "Kim you've been awfully quiet something on your mind?" I shrug. "Just having flashbacks... About stuff." King then asks where's are sacred treasures.

"Sold mine." "Lost mine!" "Mind got misplaced," "I barred mine" I confess. "Where?" King asks. I shrug. "I was drunk at the time but I know it's near Camelot." "Ugh!" King groans.

"I don't know why your getting sick upset these guys do well on there own." "Sir pig" "Uh sir pig?" "Let's say that your trying to scoop out water from this pond with just your hands." "Hands?" "Right. It's harder and will take forever. But if you have a sacred treasure like this" King uses magic to lift the water.

"Oh that makes sense." "Sacred treasures are cool." Hawk starts grabbing meliodas.

I walk over to the pond and start splashing it into bans face. "You don't need it! I can take on an enemy--" Ban pushes me into the water. He laughs and I get angry that I pull him in.


Holy knight gulia pov.

"Sir helbrem!" He looks at me I gulp. "There's two. I saw the fox sin and a girl that looked alike... But that's not all... She had a sin on her hand!" He looks at me.

"I'll send a search party to go after her... If your wrong thanks for wasting my time gulia." I gulp and walk out of his room.

Kim's pov

We make it to the next town and Diane has to stay. "It's going to be boring!" "I'll stay too." Elizabeth says "you staying too Kim?" I shake my head. "I don't think how I act is considered a girl"

Ban walks out saying. "Guys we need to do something about my clothes." I walk inside really quick and grab him one of my black shirts. "This won't fit." "Ok then wear a apron we need to hurry and get Diane's Gideon."

We go off and learn that Diane's Gideon is being held for a prize. We sign up and when ban is making up the names I stop him at kings. "Old fart is so old ban... Just do funky smell." We both laugh and write that down.

Ban is baaaaan. Meliodas is meliodaf. I'm Kimmy. And king is funky smell. We head out on the ring. "Ok ready and go!" The fighting festival reff says.

Ban and meliodas and Dodgeing moves but king is running. I'm noticing that I'm the only girl other than this mystery girl! "Hey little girl you lost?" I turn to a man. I punch him in the face.

"I am 5'6 not short! Get away from me!" I start punching him. "Hey guys make sure to pull your punches with these guys" I hear meliodas say.

"Woops.... Let's just kick him off the ring." I say pushing him lightly. Soon it's down to me, ban, meliodas, king, mystery girl, holy knight, tazioo, Griamore.

We go inside the hut to pick who's going to fight who. "I hope I fight you ban" I say to meliodas ban and king. "Why so you can get you but kicked?" "That is not going to happen ban." I look at the sticks and hesitate to pick one. "Just pick one!" The reff yells.

"Shh! I need to pick the perfect one!" He takes one out and I snatch it away. "Well you took forever." Suddenly the holy knight comes over to us and questions ban then king then meliodas.

He looks at me, he looks at ban. "Why do you guys look alike?" "I dyed my hair" I lied. "And your eyes." "Contacts. Do you know what personal space is?" He snickers and walks away.

"Nice lying." Ban says. "I say the same thing everytime a bit different." The reff starts announcing who's fighing who.

"Alright! First up! Kimmy vs tazioo!" I groan. "I wanted to fight you guys!" "Then it's funky smell vs howzer!" King laughs.

"Who would use a name like that?" Me and ban giggle and king gets it. "You guys are the worse!" "Baaaaan vs griamore!" "And last meliodaf vs matrona!"

Soon the fight festival starts.

Chapter ended! Bye guys!, 🍌🍌🍍🍉🍉🍉🍅🥒🌰🥐🍅🌽🍇🥐🍅🍑🍓

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