Chapter 2

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Faima (POV)

After Ali leaves me and Zahra start taking and getting to know each other and I notice she's no different then me we love the same thing and love to have fun then I show her my drawings and she sees the latest drawings I draw of the angel I saw she asks " who's is this " I smile and reply " his an angel I saw when I got hit by the horse" she looks at me and giggles I ask her " why are you laughing " she reply's " this is not an angle fatima this is Ali my brother and the kufiya your wearing is his " I go pale and reply " so I said all those thing about the kufiya at the front of him it's his" she giggles and says " yes but it's ok and you can have it he has a lot of them " I stay quite she chuckles and goes opens the food for me to eat " come on you need to eat try my mums food and I helped " I get comfortable in the bed and start to eat " hmmmm this is delicious just like my Mum's food" then I noticed what I said and start crying, she come and hugs me and rubs my back I hug her back then let her go we smile then we hear a knock she covers her face and I face the window "come in" I say the door opens and I hear my uncle " Salam we're back me and Ali' I smile just hearing his name, I reply "Salam" they reply the Salam back and Ali says " come on Zahra we need to go it will be dark soon" Zahra looks upset and hugs me saying " get well soon and inshallah we'll see you soon and by the way we live next to each other so we'll be seeing each other a lot" i hug her back and say " thank you and that's good to hear, which means I won't be alone and a stranger, bye and have a good night Salam " they leave and I stay with my uncle and he says to me " these are our next door neighbours the father abu Ali is my best friend I trust them with my life, if you ever need anything just go to them they'll help you without asking what your problem is and if your bored I give you permission" I smile and reply back to him " they do sound good people and thank you uncle" I sit back and start to draw random stuff.

I'm getting ready to go home with my uncle because the doctor said I can leave I put on my abaya and burka the door opens and it's my uncle " Salam Fatima are you done I got the carriage and it's waiting outside" I smile and get my bag and start walking with my uncle, we get on and start our journey home, then my uncle says to me " we got invited for lunch today at Abu Ali's house when we get home we'll rest and get you to use to the place then get changed and we'll go" I smile to him and say "whatever you decide uncle" he grabs my head and kiss my forehead and says " your family raised you well mashallah" tears come down remembering my family and say " your the only family left I have uncle" he gives me a small smile and turns his head.

My uncle is having a nap and I'm getting dressed before we go to Abu Ali's house, I go and put the pot that they bought me food in it and put it in a bag and put perfume and go wake uncle up and find him already up and ready near the fountain and I say 'Salam uncle I'm ready to go' he smiles and say 'Salam lets go then before it's late for lunch I lay down my burka and wear my Iraqi abaya and walk with him.

Ali's POV:

I hear the nock I've been waiting for all afternoon, I go and open the door and it's them I smile and greet them "Salam and welcome and thank you for accepting the invitation come on in" I hold the door and abu Hassan walks in first greets me then his niece walk in and suddenly i smell an amazing smell and I realise it's hers I smile and greet her " salam sister hope your arm is felling better" and she replies with her soft voice " yes thank you, this is the pot you bought me food when I was in the hospital and also your kufyia Zahra told me its yours, thank you for covering me" she hands them to me and I grab her hand by accident I keep holding her hand and she gives me a light squeezes, I smile take the kufyia first and cover her head with it and say to her "thank you for returning it but I would like for you keep it" she looks down and I hear my dad saying "son take her to your mother and sister" I nod take the pot and start walking and she follows by and I say in a low voice " it's a pleasure to have you here and good to see you well, I bought you a few things to apologise for what happened" and she replies " I'm good and you honestly didn't have to it was an accident but thank you" I stop at the door and open it for her " mother this is abu Hassan's niece" she enters and I close the door yet I can't get over her smell.

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