Chapter 68: Finding His Meaning

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There was no response from the shaken girl as she continued to sob and he decided he needed to try to speak louder through his hoarse voice, "Hermione?"

She paused momentarily and sniffed before softly laying her head on his chest in misery. He still could not even see her face but he knew it was probably red and soaked with tears for him. Carefully, making a cautious move with his feverish body and aching limbs, he pushed the soft curls that had once been completely frizzy when she was a child from her cheek and tucked the locks behind her ear, "Hermione, stop this now... I am alright..."

Hermione froze in a moment of sheer terror as she peered up, letting her golden eyes rest on the supposedly deceased man's face. Was she going insane? Was he really awake? She quickly pulled back in fright as she saw his eyes open, staring back at her. She was too confused to soak everything in and she crawled away from him, horrified, pulling her knees up to her chest in an act of security, letting her curls fall back in her face. He achingly sat up and leaned his weight on the stone wall next to him, trying to become accustomed to his sick form once more. Snape looked over to the petite young woman who eyed him carefully for a time before he sighed,

"I-" as soon as he started to speak, Hermione leapt in his embrace as fast as she could manage and buried her face into the crook of his neck, nestling her nose in his silky black hair. Her tears started again but this time he knew it was out of relief and overwhelming realization that he was not gone. He had not left her.

She shifted and settled into his lap as he let his arms snake around her in the tightest embrace he could manage, "Hermione..." he breathed in release.

She started mumbling through her tears in his now wet hair something that was somewhat audible and yet he found himself giving a small smile at her childish display of emotion. He thoroughly enjoyed her innocent trust in him to keep her completely safe and out of harm's way and he did not mind in the least that her immature behavior had resurfaced momentarily to find refuge in his arms. It empowered him that she wanted to be held and comforted the way that she did and it only fueled the love he had for her even more. He knew she was still finding her true self in this whole mess and he wanted to be the one with her when she discovered the true Hermione beneath all of her intricate layers. He would never leave her again. He never wanted to see her in such a mess if he could help it. Hermione belonged to him; body and soul, and he would never let anyone touch her or do anything in any harmful way. She was in his arms, right where she belonged, and he never wanted to let go.

Hermione slowly started to calm down after multiple words of comfort and he relished in her small sniffles and tremors at his expense. For once, he was being selfish and enjoyed the emotion she was giving him, because of him... only for him. He knew they didn't have time to waste and he wanted to start to question her about what had transpired but he also understood that she needed that small amount of time with him, to reconnect and reassure herself that he indeed was not leaving her... ever. Hermione shakily pulled slightly back to look at him and received a loving gaze reflected back at her. Severus Snape had never understood the extent of beauty of the young woman before him but he was slowly starting to grasp it. She was honest and pure and raw. She didn't need make up to impress anyone. She was beautiful on her own and at that moment it was no different. Strands of her hair were wet with her tears, her face laid trails of the salty drops, her eyes were swollen with dewy lashes, and her lower lip quivered, ready for a full on sob at anytime. Hermione's face was flushed, her nose was bright pink and her heavy eyes were a tired red.

"I thought I had lost you..." her lip trembled as she wiped runaway tears on her sleeve and sniffled.

"Never," he reaffirmed to her, wiping the wetness from her cheek with his thumb, "I am sorry to have scared you."

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