Chapter 55: Never Will Forget

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"Hermione?" his lips quivered with his deep voice barely above a whisper from his hoarseness.

She opened her eyes quickly, surprised at the hesitancy heard in Snape's voice. She didn't say anything as she watched him try to control his breathing. Up until then, she had not noticed the tremors violently overtaking his body but they were much more evident and Hermione unlaced her hands from his. Putting a hand on his cheek she furrowed her brows in worry and he let his forehead rest against her own, their noses brushed, "What's wrong?"

He didn't answer, "Why are you trembling so?" Hermione whimpered.

He took a deep breath and pushed her wet hair out of her face with a shaky hand, "Is this a dream?"

She relaxed slightly, "No, we are really here... together."

"Is it wrong to not want you to leave me?" he asked, ashamed of himself.

Hermione watched him sadly, "Oh Severus..."

He pressed himself up against her and she gasped, shocked at his actions in the unsuspecting moment. Hermione's eyelashes fluttered in the feeling and her body went rigid and then loose with new reactions to the contact while the man above her grabbed her hands tightly in his own. He lowered his mouth to her ear,

"If I hurt you, I will not be able to heal you..."

She gave a dreamy smile and her eyes glazed over as she turned to him, "I am not sure I will notice."

He propped himself on his elbows and watched over her, just gazing at her. She was more beautiful than he had ever thought before. The blush on her cheeks was indescribable and the furious pounding of her heart that he could feel against his chest excited him to no end. Her breathing was heavy and uneven and her expression on her face was breathtaking. She had a wild look in her eyes, something he had never witnessed before, and her lips echoed in rebellion and lust mixed with a trembling fit of anxiety. Hermione stared up at him in wild attraction, never wanting the man before her more than she did then. It wasn't out of physical want, but just emotional need. Every touch he had given her was never enough... he always had to do more, go further, kiss longer, hold her tighter. Hermione could never have a sufficient amount of him and holding him in his arms, being pinned down by him, feeling his skin against her own, did nothing to satisfy the thirst for the Potions Master.

Hermione gasped for air in shock of what had just happened when he broke the barrier between them. She ripped her hands out of Snape's grasp and held onto his back for support, wincing in pain. He stiffened and appeared to be in a stunned silence... he looked rather dumbfounded but had little time to think for she let her nails softly embed themselves into his skin. He glanced down at Hermione and saw her biting her lip viciously while his heart pounded out of his chest. Did he hurt her?

"Look at me," he started, grabbing her chin and he pulled her lip with his thumb, out of the grasp of her teeth. She had drawn blood and his mouth twitched in sympathy, "Are you alright? I will stop-"

"No," she interrupted him, "I just..."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, upset and hurt at her hesitancy and unwillingness to come forth about her pain but before he had time to respond, the realization dawned on him of why she was hurting. I took her virginity... He closed his eyes for only a second before gazing back down at the witch below who, although had been in a decent amount of pain, had a new, unrecognizable look on her face. One of knowing and maturity and... peace? No words needed to be spoken about what had just happened, and he took it upon himself to softly nurse her battered lip with a sensual kiss. They had been going on like that for some time before Hermione broke away, panting heavily, and watched the man above her in the moonlight that had momentarily peaked out of the thick clouds that had finally let up on the rain. She had never seen such sympathy and love in his sparkling eyes.

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