Chapter 63: Puzzle Pieces p 3

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Harry had been quiet for the majority of their journey, weaving through the Department of Mysteries with the Potions Master at his side. He noticed how Snape carried himself and it was a bit disheartening for the boy to watch one of the strongest men he knew, trudge in defeat and misery. Even though he was standing tall and emotionless, Harry could see how sick the teacher was and how even through the hard, cold exterior that had been put on so many times before, the man could not hide the creeping illness that was slowly taking over and making him weak. He didn't say anything to Snape, there wasn't much to converse about concerning the ailing man and it would not bode well for him to comment if he was trying to build up a relationship with the harsh teacher.

He knew Snape was a good man; he had to be if he had done everything he had during the first and second war, all in the name of his mother, Lily. And now, the man was risking everything again for Harry's best friend, Hermione. He had no doubt that Snape would be an excellent provider for her and companion since they were so similar in personality and the love that the two of them shared was something to really be sought after. But he had an ulterior motive for trying to be congenial to the Potions Master: his mother. Severus Snape was the last living link that Harry had to his mother whom he desperately loved so much. He always yearned to be around those that had been in her presence... and that was enough for him. It was almost as if he was experiencing a piece of her through others and knowing the close bond that Snape had with Lily, Harry couldn't help but want to hear something from the man about his long lost love.

"I..." Harry started nervously but cleared his throat to get a grip on himself, "I never was able to thank you for everything you did for me... even if it was for my mother, you saved my life over and over again. You deserve an apology for everything I have done to you over the years. I am sorry Professor."

Snape looked at Harry with a disgusted surprise, "Oh stop Potter." He mumbled.

"Sir, I am quite serious." Harry insisted.

The older man stopped walking and looked down at his former student, "What are you playing at?"

Harry shook his head, "I just wanted you to know that everything you have done has been appreciated. It wasn't all for naught."

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh really... and I suppose this is how you are planning on repaying me back? Trying to even the score? I do not need your help Potter." He growled through his cracking voice.

He frowned, "If you didn't need me, then why did you ask me to come? You could've just taken my cloak and had me accompany the others. Why didn't you take Hermione with you? And anyways," he straightened up, trying to somewhat reach the height of the teacher even though it was in vain, "I didn't come to even the score, as you say, I came because I genuinely care for the both of you."

Snape glared at the boy and watched him for several moments, "Just leave it alone."

"Leave what alone?" he questioned as Snape turned to keep walking.

He made a dramatic sigh, "I don't need your apologies or concerns for what has happened in the past. What is done is done. I don't need your sympathies and nor do I want them."

"You don't have my sympathies-" he started but was quickly interrupted by the older man who sharply turned back and hoarsely spat out,

"What is it that you want then, Potter?"

Harry took a deep breath and stared his teacher in the eyes, "My mother."

"Miss Granger, you are absolutely certain that this is not Ezra?" McGonagall questioned, wanting reassurance.

Hermione nodded confidently, "Yes, Professor."

The older woman sighed and pointed her wand at the crumpled body on the floor, "Rennervate!"

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