Chapter 32: Heading Out Blind

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Snape felt a sharp tug at his sleeve as Hermione drug him behind the tree away from Filch who was exhilarated by the hunt for students out of bed. He growled when Hermione pulled him to her and silenced him, he rolled his eyes and whispered, "Why are we hiding?"

Hermione hushed him as she heard footsteps coming closer, "Be quiet!"

Snape narrowed his eyes at her rude command before turning his attention back to the caretaker who was slowly walking through the hall, looking for them, thinking they were students. He felt like he was back in his school, hiding from the staff like they were. All he would have to do, if Hermione had not made him hide with her, would be to tell Filch that he was roaming the halls, making sure no one was out past hours. Filch would have been none the wiser and would have instantly believed him but there they were, hiding from the man like they were going to be punished or put in detention if they were to get caught. Obviously, Hermione must have forgotten who she was with because she ruined their chances to make it out peacefully when she decided that hiding from the old man would be the brilliant idea.

He bit his tongue, holding back the insult he was going to throw when he saw Hermione lean in through the branches and pull out her wand, "Miss Granger what are you doing?" he grabbed her arm, trying to pull her back, shocked that she would try any magic on a staff member.

She brushed him off of her and whispered, "Obscuro!"

"Miss Granger!" Snape reprimanded as he heard Filch's shocked voice at having a blindfold wrapped around his eyes out of nowhere. Snape lowered a tree branch and saw Filch trying to pry off the piece of material, bumping into the benches and house tables. It was rather humorous to see him lash out around as if he was within reach of them, trying to strangle whoever was in his grasp.

The poor caretaker heaved a growl, "I'm gonna kill ya!" he roared as he put his arms out in front of him, searching for something to grab onto.

Mrs. Norris appeared around the tree, finding their hiding spot and Snape groaned, "Now what do you propose we do? He knows we are in here because of your foolish wand waving!" he spat out as Hermione smiled at him with a look that he recognized from her school days when she was going to get into mischief,

"No! No… Miss Granger-" he started, realizing her plan.

"Let's go!" Hermione pulled on Snape's arm and jerked him out of his hiding spot; there was no turning back now. They ran passed an angry Filch who turned to the sound of their feet hitting the stone floor,

"Get back here!" he started running, blindly of course, in their direction but stumbled into one of the large house tables.

Snape quickly led Hermione out the Great Hall doors as they heard Filch coming their way, still crashing into obstacles while ornaments from smaller trees were crashing to the floor. Hermione was having a hard time keeping up because of her laughter,

"Hush you foolish girl!" Snape commanded as he quickly led them down the Entrance Hall and outside, not wanting to be found in the teacher's common room.

Hermione was still trembling with fits of amusement at Filch as they made their way outside and into the light snowfall. He smirked as the younger witch leaned against the castle wall, trying to catch her breath and wiped her eyes from the tears she was shedding at the caretaker's expense. It was rather humorous but he could not condone her behavior especially now that she was an adult and part of the staff.

"You realize nothing would have happened if we let him find us out in the open. There was no reason to hide." He raised an eyebrow at the girl trying to breathe.

"What if he…" she was still giggling, "leaked to McGonagall about us together?" she looked up at him more seriously.

Snape sighed, "She already knows, Miss Granger."

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