Miss Adler’s eyes sweep over the chaos, her horror hardly masked, and I can see the internal struggle within her- like an automaton conflicted with two programed commands. One gear spinning to make her instinctively address the scattered pendants on the vanity, and another turning against, it warning her of the time such an endeavor would consume. Apparently, the later won. She grit her teeth and began to recompose herself, turning her full attention onto me.

Looking at her I couldn’t help but admire her subtle beauties and note that next to her… I look like a garden flower in my pastels. It frustrates me beyond belief! My Calling is to be a seamstress. Despite my age, I’m already a successful designer in woman’s fashion- only ladies with the deepest pockets can afford my attire! I have the vision, the desired taste, and yet this vulture seems to outdo me with a simple glide into the room! Swallowing a scoff I bite my tongue. If she had the same Calling as I, there’s the possibility that I’d be out of business. Instead she felt Called towards being an educator, and since she is my Tudor, I might as well take advantage of her fashion expertise. So here I am, trying to be patient as I wait for her to say something.

Her steady gaze brushes over me as Miss Adler’s words carefully form behind closed lips. “I do think it’s a bold choice. The deep green of your petticoat compliments the pale pink of the dress you have on rather nicely”, she said stepping closer to inspect my waist. She started to tap my burgundy under bust corset lightly, “And I must say, I do approve of using this as a bind.”

Her eyes flick up to mine and she started to purse her lips. “Alicia. You wish to paint yourself a Lady of class, you must look the part in every aspect. There is more to designer fashion than just the garb you dress yourself in” she breathed, plucking off my hat and carefully guiding my blond curls to wrap around my neck and over my shoulder. “Otherwise,” she muttered, “the only audience you may hold in appreciation, would be that of your pompous reflection in the mirror you gaze into now.”

The insult burns my ears! Miss Adler, an employee, nothing more than a servant firing impertinent quips at me like that?! I don’t care if it is her charge to instruct me on presentation- her position does not mean she can speak to me like this! I try to bite my tongue at her remark, but the fire of irate words build in my throat, and the pressure grows until it is almost a beastly growl!

In that moment, everything freezes and goes black. My mind begins to pulse, and I see things in golden flashes; blood spattered walls, two lifeless bodies, my hands dripping with a dark liquid. My visions, coaxed in gradients of gold, appear before my eyes as if I was blinking. Nothing accompanies the sights I am privy to- no sounds nor scents, but I know there is something I am missing!

As quick as it begun, the episode ended. The visions melt away and the various colors of the room come back into sight. There’s a faint buzzing in my ears as I look around as I notice that somehow, in that spare moment, I have missed a skip in time and Miss Adler was in mid-sentence while fussing about my hair.

 “ -most important model, and therefore, your appearance directly influences another woman’s appeal for your line” she is saying quickly as she balances my hat back on my head. Hesitating to look at me, Miss Adler’s eyes meet mine and soften into a look of confusion- obviously not aware of whatever it was that had just transpired. “Miss Alicia?” she asks.

I reach out to the mirror and hold a hand out to it’s cool surface for balance. “I am fine” I say.

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