Part 4: Chapter 13

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The Meyers Family:

Aries- 37

Eloise - 36

Makayla - 11

Michael - 7

Elias - 1

Makayla carefully laid out a piece of parchment on the table in front of her, laying her quill directly to the right. She was always a methodical and organized child, but she was extremely diligent in this instance. Everything had to be in order; She would leave nothing to chance.


"Yes, dear?" Hermione replied, poking her head into the dining room where her granddaughter was sat. 

"Are the refreshments prepared?"

"Yes, dear."

"And Grampa polished the silverware?"

Hermione stifled a laugh. "Yes. He did it this morning."

Makayla nodded and hopped down from the table. "Good."

"May I ask why you are so concerned with minor details right now?" Hermione inquired, following Makayla into the hallway where she stopped to adjust her dress and bow in the large mirror.

She shook her long blonde hair from her shoulders and smoothed it down her back. "We mustn't give this woman the impression that she is even remotely close to our level of class. Ah, is that the bell?"

Hermione chuckled as Makayla returned to the dining room with Aries and Eloise. She pulled open the door and felt her grin fade. "Melissa. What a pleasure it is to see you," Hermione said stiffly, extending her hand for Melissa to shake.  "And this must be your fiance?"

The man next to Melissa was a rather short and portly man but he had a pleasant countenance. "It's an absolute pleasure to meet you, Minister. I'm Steven Savant, I work with Aries."

"He did mention something to that effect. Do come in." She stepped back to allow them inside. "If you'll follow me please, I'll lead you into the dining room where they are waiting."

Melissa strode past Hermione pulling Steven behind her. "I think I can recall where the dining room is Mrs. Malfoy but thank you."

Steven shot Hermione a grateful look as they sped past her.

Melissa stopped short in the doorway of the dining room. Makayla was sat at the head of the table with her parents on either side of her. There was a set of papers in front of her as well as in front of the seat directly opposite her, the chair that was meant for Melissa. 

Makayla cleared her throat. "Melissa. Please take the seat in front of you. Your guest may wait outside."

Hermione appeared in the doorway and offered to take Steven into the drawing room for tea.

Melissa was a bit taken aback by the abruptness of the little girl in front of her.

"If you would take your seat, we can begin," Makayla said. 

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