8: To Luring!

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Marshall Lee yearned for you. He couldn't stand to be away from you any longer, even though he was right outside the tree. But he couldn't give away his position.

He was, after all, supposed to be at home.

You stretched your arms up high, revealing your delectable body to those in the room, causing the Vampire King to lick his lips. He didn't care for the way Fionna looked at you, however. It reminded him a little bit too much of... himself.

"Why don't you wear clothes again, YN?" Fionna asked as she cleared her throat and looked away from you.

"Stupid to wear clothes when you have a fur coat." You shrugged.

"But you're not even all covered like Cake is." She pushed, "It's just kind of naughty. No wonder the guys like having you around..."

"They like having me around because I am fun, human." You raised an eyebrow at her. "And beautiful, of course, but I would be beautiful with or without clothes. Men might be obsessed with sex, but they will have you once and not come back if you don't provide anything else."

"Oh..." She blushed and looked down, embarrassed. "I didn't mean anything by it."

"Once you are older and you have those kind of attentions, you will know what I mean." You shrugged at her and sipped the color out of your juice. "I have been lucky not to have had the broken heart, but I have seen it many times. I want to stop it from happening to you."

Fionna shifted uncomfortably. She already felt the pangs of heartache, and knew there would be more to come. She just didn't know who would be serving it up to her.

"Anyway, new topic, how are you and Flame Boy?" You asked. "You two can't have sex, clearly. Too hot. I considered it at one time, but Gumball said he'd be furious plus made the good point that it would be painful."

"Why would Gumball be furious and why would you care?" Cake asked.

"I didn't, but Gumball raised him for a bit and said he was still too young for me. Plus, he said he wasn't done with me." You let out a barking laugh, "He was probably joking."

Marshall's face was red with anger. To think that he was having to compete with everyone in Aaa at this point. Maybe he would have to request that you start wearing clothes...

No. He thought. She's right. She'd be beautiful no matter what. I'll just have to deal with the problems individually. But I need to get my wife-to-be back home. Now.

So he unbuttoned his shirt. He undid his belt. He unbuttoned and slightly unzipped his pants. He mussed up his hair just a bit. Then, he floated up to the door and knocked.

"Bad little fox~ Spending the day away from me~" He crooned out his special tune, "Answer the door~ Look and won't you see? I have got a special surprise, come look~ in~ my~ eyes~"

You rolled your own eyes.

"Just wait here," You growled with annoyed, flattened ears. "I'll tell him to go away. He probably barely even left."

"Foxy, foxy, look what I can be~" He concluded as you opened the door.

Your face would have looked even more ashen if it could have and you slammed it in his face.

AN: Sorry it's been so long! I've been swamped at work!

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