Chapter 14 You can't leave things this way

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leap is a group of leopards


Me and Zo's walks have gotten longer. Our conversations are deeper. I am not certain he likes in that romantic way or just as a friend. The medicine his mother gave me to suppress my leopard powers is wearing off. So now I have to deal with Bongwani wanting to kiss him, hold hands, cuddle and all that. Zo and I will be talking and Bongwani will fill my mind with images of us kissing. Sometimes I get distracted and I don't know what he has said. It's embarrassing. I have told her to cut it out but she won't. Today, I cut off our link to each other because she kept asking me to hold his hand. I am already struggling on my own not to hold his hand, you don't have to make it worse! We were strolling through brown and pink long grass. A lion jumped out of the grass rushing for us. My mate shot at it but the lion easily evaded his arrows. The lion was fast approaching us. I shifted into Bongwani and lunged at the animal. I growled it at it. The lion shuddered surprised but its eyes went back to my mate. I lunged forward, it pushed me away. It was making its way to Zo. I sprinted and jumped on its back. Reaching for its neck, I bit down till it died. I shifted, wiping the blood off my lips as I walked to my mate. "Are you okay?"

He shuffled backwards turning around, he ran to the village. I ran behind him afraid another lion would attack him.

"What happened between you two?" Lekeleni asked sitting on the edge of my bed. I had barely noticed her come into my room.

I exhaled and told her everything. "I think its best I leave tomorrow."

"You can't leave things this way."

"I have no choice."

"You have a choice. Talk to Zo tomorrow."

"And say what?"

"Tell him the story of how leopard men came to be." She said with a soft smile. How she was so calm despite all I had told her, I don't know.

"You think a story will rectify me hiding the fact that I am the creature that killed his father." I chuckled, a mirthless chuckle.

"No but it will get the conversation started." She stood up and left. I mauled over her words. I thought of his reaction and a million ways I could have handled the lion without shifting. It was only after midnight I fell asleep.

The next morning after an awkward breakfast, I asked Zo if we could go for a short stroll. I feared he would refuse but he accepted.

"Can I tell you a story?"


"Long ago, there was a female leopard that lived in a leap with her brothers. There was a famine that year. They could not find food. Her brothers decided to eat her. They started to attack her but luckily she got away. She was wounded and on the edge of death, when Hlata, a hunter found her in a cave. He had just killed a porcupine. Afraid at first, he almost ran then he saw how wounded she was. He cleaned her wounds and gave her food. She recovered. Chauta allowed them to communicate through their minds. This is called the mind link. They soon became lovers. Hlata asked Chauta to allow them to have children. This is how my kind came to be."

His arms were crossed over his chest.

"I am sorry that I hid the fact that I am a leopard from you. I was afraid you would shut me out. I don't want that because you are my Hlata."

"What do you mean?"

I told him of soulmates.

"I thought that a man named Mzoli was my mate. Everybody did too. When I was 14, this son of an Inkosi came to train with my brothers. He raped me. He told me I belonged to him anyway. I was too ashamed to tell anyone. He stayed with us for a month. One day, Sundu found him. He beat him almost killing him. So he left me alone." I exhaled. "I relate to her. I left home running because I didn't want a mate. Then I found you, a human mate and a gentle soul. So you are my Hlata."

"Why didn't Sundu kill him?"

"He couldn't. He was a son of an Inkosi and my brother feared he was my mate. So to some that would justify his abuse of me."

"So we are mates?"

I nodded. "I understand if you don't want me around. I plan to leave tomorrow."

He held my hand. "I am hurt and frightened but I will forgive you."

"Thank you."

He held my other hand. "I was so afraid and angry. I felt like a fool for falling in love with a woman who had an animal inside her."

"You are in love with me?"

He nodded.

I smiled. "I am in love with you too Zo." I stepped forward and cupped his cheek. He held my waist. Simultaneously we moved to each other, our lips connecting.

"I don't know why you are surprised. It was obvious that I was in love with you." He chuckled softly.

"Because you didn't say anything."

Zosowa had many questions about me being a leopard. I answered them all, even though me and Bongwa would have much rather be doing something else with our mouth.

"The leopards that you have encountered were rabid. That happens sometimes when a leopard is without a leap."

We strolled out of the forest back to the village slowly, often stopping to kiss.

"I love you." He told me as he gently pressed his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." I smiled.

"If you weren't a princess, I would ask you to marry me."

"You can still ask."

"Do you marry me?"

I nodded gently. "This means we need to return to Edingeni."

Author's Note

I know it was cliché of him to find out through a life threating situation but hopefully my story doesn't have too many clichés.

What do you think will happen when they return home?

Will Londi's fam accept her human mate?

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