Chapter 5 Princess Mummy

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Chawezi- Cher-way-zee


Abuya- grandmother

Odi-knock knock

Nkosazana- princess in ngoni

Image above is how I imagine Thandanani to look like


"Chawezi's mother, Tinyade was a half leopard half human. She lived her with her human mother. Us being there only leopards in a human community bonded us." Katondeka's voice was strained. "My mother warned me to wait for my mate. But I was lonely. So was she. We married and soon she got pregnant."

I tried to control Inyoka. She was growling in my mind. I discreetly took a deep breath. I did not want my eyes to change colour.

"She died bringing our son into the world. I know it was punishment to the both of us for not waiting for our mates."

My eyes changed to gold. I looked at the ground trying to hide the shift.

"I would be angry too. I apologise." Katondeka said.

I stopped walking and kept breathing in and out. Kato stood at the distance watching me. Finally my leopard subsided. We continued to stroll through the thickets of trees.

"I would like to deepen our bond, eventually I would like to marry."

I inhaled. I had to tell him. I had to tell him now.

"Kato, I actually would like to take things slow."

"Of course. That's what I want too. Start out dating then progress to marriage."

I focused my eyes on my fingers which were dancing in each other. "Slower than that. Maybe friends."

Kato halted, his broad shoulders spun facing me. "Why?"

I made no reply. Kato moved till he was standing in front of me.

"I don't think we are the right fit."

"Is it Chawezi?" His deep voice hoarse with anger and hurt.

I glanced at the dry leaves beneath our feet. "Uh...yes and no. It's many things."

His glare stayed on me which made my breath shallow and strained.

"Explain." He all but growled.

I ran past him back to the village. I ran till I was in my room.

Londi who had been lying down sat up on her bed. "What's wrong? Was someone chasing you?"

I breathed in and out. She asked again. I told her what had happened. She said nothing which I was grateful for.

I was helping Zosowa do the dishes when we heard someone call out "Odi."

Lekeleni who was seated near the fire got up to see who was calling our attention. The smell was familiar. It was not Kato but it smelled like him. What if I was wrong? What if that him? What if he had come to continue our conversation? Oh no.

"Thandanani," Lekeleni called. I left the dish I was washing and went to the front veranda of the house. As I walked towards where the guest was I wiped my hands on my dress thinking of what I would say. In front of the veranda were two people, Chawezi and an elderly woman. Chawezi, upon seeing me, rushed into my arms.

"Mummy!" The boy cajoled.

I froze.

The elderly lady smiled. He let me go and I walked towards the veranda.

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