Chapter 4 Goofy Grin

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Above is the image of how i imagine Dumase but you can imagine her however you want. 


Jabu hugged me each day; when we met and when we parted. Each hug was longer than the previous' days. His lingering scent would make me smile when he was away. I would be unhappy when I washed it off during my baths. Glad when he placed his arms around me once more. I don't know remember the last time I laughed as often as I have this week. Jabu told me many funny anecdotes. I told a few but they were not as funny as his. I did not have his humour or gift for exaggeration. My mate had a goofy grin that he would flash at the end of his tales. His front teeth had space between them, I enjoyed watching him smile and laugh because of his teeth gap. I was surprised when he told me his first name the night we met. I was certain he would say I am mnawa. When he asked if he could have a hug? I knew then he wanted us to be equals. That he would not use his power to dominate me.

It was almost the end of the week. Most of the princes that had come demanded their mates leave with them before the week ended. Our Inkosana of course refused but Jabu was way above the Inkosana if he demanded I leave with him our Inkosana would not be able to stop him. I wanted him to demand I go with him. I did not want to be parted from him. I took him up a hill to a dome shaped tree. I parted the stringy branches, and glanced at Jabu as I stepped in them. He followed behind me. I sat underneath the tree near its large roots. He sat next to me, our shoulders touching. Jabu's eyes danced all around the dome shape under the tree. Slices of light trickled in through the stringy branches. I smiled watching his wonder and delight. He turned his eyes to me.

"Dumase, do you want to be my wife?" His voice cracked.

I smiled and nodded.

He lunged forward and pressed his lips against mine. I was surprised, slowly I wrapped my hands around his neck. His eyes were gold when he pulled away, I knew mine were bronze. Otherwise I would not have latched onto his neck. He gave me his goofy grin and I smiled watching his eyes turn back to hickory.

"I will send my envoys to come meet your family soon."

I nodded. "So tomorrow you leave?"

He drew his breath in. "Yes. I wish I could stay. But I have extended my visit by two days."

"Thank you for extending your time here. I have enjoyed your company. I will miss you when you leave."

"Really?" he asked.

I nodded. I knew why he was surprised. I often appeared stand offish when I first met someone but that's how I was when I was warming up to someone. I had enjoyed his company tremendously.

He leaned forward and pecked my cheek. "I enjoyed yours too."

I chuckled.

My twin brother sat cross ledged as always. I sat with my leg stacked on top of another, encircling us were the stringy branches of the tree. "I brought him here today. I brought him to our favourite place."

"You must really like him." My twin smiled.

"I do." I said playing with grass blades beneath my knees.

"What's he like?"

"A lot like you actually." I chuckled. "Humble, funny and good-natured."

"But he is not as funny as me is he?" My twin said leaning forward and touching his chest.

I laughed. "NO one is as funny as you. But then again that could just be me biased because we shared a womb."

"I am glad you found him. Don't shut him out. He seems like a keeper."

"I won't." My eyelids filled with heaviness. "I miss you. I wish you could meet him. I wish you were here."

"Now now. If I was here, it would make you leaving with your mate harder." He chuckled pulling me into his arms.

Despite my tears I let out a chuckle too. When I awoke that morning, I found tears on my cheeks. Jabu had now been gone four days and I missed him. I blamed the mate bond. Thokazi my leopard whined a lot. She missed his scent. So did I. Jabu was so different from other ngoni men. He was strong and yet he did not use it to his advantage. He was gentle and kind. When I told him my stories which were no way as funny as his, he would listen with the keenest attention.

Author's Note

I like changing perspective. I hope it doesn't disorient you.

Thokazi is a cow that has not given birth yet.

Envoys will be sent to make arrangements for their marriage as is tradition.

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