Chapter 11 Kato is a protector through and through

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"I could not sleep last night." Chawezi grumbled.

"Oh really?" I said glancing down at him.

"Yeah. I asked Daddy if he could call you. I knew your stories would help me sleep but he refused."

"I told you she was sleeping at the time." Kato said from the adjacent hammock.

"If it happens again, you can come sleep with me." I said stroking his small shoulders.

"Really?" His eyes widened with excitement. "Can I come tonight?"

"If your dad says yes."

"Thanda are you sure about this?" Kato asked.

"I am sure."

"Is that a yes daddy?"

Kato nodded. Chawezi squealed.

Londi and myself told Chawezi different stories. By the time we got to our fourth story, he was asleep.

"He really is cute." Londi said.

"Yes he is," I said laying him down on my bed.

"You will make a good mom."

"I hope so." I said with a chuckle.

In the morning, Chawezi gave both me and Londi a hug. "Thank you for letting sleep here ladies."

Londi chuckled. "You are welcome young man."

I escorted him to his father's hut. Not because he wouldn't be able to walk there but I wanted to see Katondeka. Chawezi dashed into his father's arms. "Daddy it was amazing. They told me funny stories and when I awoke in the middle of the night I found her arm around me keeping me safe."

"Sounds like a good night." His father said with a small smile.

"It was!" Chawezi cajoled. "Daddy you should sleep in her room when you can't sleep."

My eyes widened. So he had been having problems with sleep. It was two days from this day that I asked. "How come you can't sleep?" I stroked his cheek as the words poured out of me.

"I don't want to talk about it."

I dropped my hands from his face.

"If I wanted to talk about it I would have brought it up." He seethed.

"Okay." I felt tears coming on. I stood from the mat. "I have to go. I will see you later." I dashed across the grassy bank. At the bridge, I turned to see if he was following me. He was not. I wiped my tears and took small steps across the wooden bridge. I hoped he would follow. But that was not Kato. Water splashed against me. I felt his eyes on me. I didn't want him. I didn't want a rock for a mate. I sprinted till I was at Lekeleni's hut. Londi was away. Probably on a long walk with her mate. I needed her and she was with that human boy! Tears seared my cheeks. I lay on my bed. I wish I had stuck with my first decision to not deepen this bond. I had started to care for him and he shut me out! A gentle hand gripped my shoulder. I turned. It was Lekeleni.

"What is it child?"

I told her what had happened with Katondeka.

"We are mates. We are supposed to share burdens. He knows I can feel his angst"

She chuckled. "Kato is a protector through and through."

I sniffed. Where was she going with this?

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