From the glass plane, she could see some files and folders arranged neatly. Her stomach suddenly made a somersault. She felt so nervous suddenly.

Still, the clip in her hand slid into the lock. As she began fiddling, a voice rang up quietly behind her. "Empty."
She was only shocked for a minute before realising it was just her crime partner.

"Check well."

"There's nothing here." Esmeralda sighed. "Maybe he got ready for things like this too. I'm really hoping what we need will be in there." Her voice suddenly sounded shaky.

"Calm down, I've  almost got it. This one's harder. It's new, I can tell."

"You need help?"

"No, no, I've almost...aha." She moved away from the cabinet, a smile wavered over her face but very briefly.

"Thank God." Esmeralda scurried over, clutching her palms nervously.

"Yes. Quickly. Let's bring out all the files." She reached in and began to bring out the stacks, files with lots of papers in each of them.

Esmeralda sandwiched her own torch between her ear and shoulder as she conveyed some files over to Frollo's desk. "What exactly would we be looking for again? There are so many papers."

"It's easy. Any name with a serial grade of A or F. Or even maybe a couple of F's and a D or two. Or a couple of A's and a B. You get my drift. Preferably females. Unless he's gay. And pedophilic."

"He'll be pedophilic either ways." Esmeralda opened the first file. "Wow! These are a lot of names."

"Anyone with recurring grades?" Pocahontas asked but fixed her gaze on the paper before her, her finger sliding horizontally across a page.

"Mixed. C's, D's, B's, A's. People hardly get recurring grades."

"Keep searching. And don't go as far as to the ones like 2007. We need recent works. The ones that still involve students in this school."

"I know."

Both went back to focusing on page after page.

"Hey!" Esmeralda whisper-yelled, instantly catching Pocahontas' attention.

"I found one."

"No kidding." Pocahontas dropped her file and ran over to Esmeralda.

"Look here. Over here. It says this...Candace Flynn. Look, straight A's." Esmeralda whipped her head up to Pocahontas, who in turn studied the name seriously.

She reached into her small satchel and pull out a notepad and a pen. "I'll write them down. I think I should know Candace. She's on the ground floor back at the hostel. That's good. Keep on searching."


Pocahontas kept on running her finger across pages. Once she decreased to the sessions of 2014/2015, she went back for another folder.

"Hey. I found one. Esme, come..." she  paused then studied the name closely.

Nakoma Navajo.


"What is it, Poca?"

"Nakoma. Straight A's."

"Great. Right that down."

"I know Nakoma. She... She's my friend. Well, not technically. We're from the same hometown. We talk one on one."

"Greater for us, huh?"

"I feel- hurt. She knows what I'm going through then. She never said anything. What if she was also put through the same traumatizing task as us?"

"More like you should feel hurt because she didn't make a sound all the time we've been pleading for help." Esmeralda crossed her arms over her chest.

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