Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force

Start from the beginning

Kori: BRO, I'LL FREEZE HIM!! (Advanced in a flurry of snow)

As Kori advanced, Hazel took the opportunity to punch Kori, but to no avail as he Matrix ducked Hazel's electric punch, freezing the ground at the same time while motioning his robotic hand towards Hazel's oncoming fist, freezing him to the frozen ground, immobilizing him as Ryosuke and Jason took this as an opportunity to Strike.

While Hazel was trying to free himself from the frozen trap by breaking the ice between the ground and his fist made by Kori, Jason and Ryosuke jumped as they cranked the lever on their Drivers, activating their finishers.



Their finishers activated as their semblance are now activated as well. Jason created a dragon from his fist by using his semblance to enhance his finisher and Ryosuke blinked as his eyes widened, activating his semblance as time slowed down, to Jason's confusion.

Jason: Ryu, what is this?!

Ryosuke: I'll explain later, but to summarise it, if I didn't use my semblance, he would have punched you.

Jason: Huh?

As Ryosuke stated, Jason turned his head and was shocked that Hazel who is now frozen in time still has his other free hand to punch him as he looked back at Ryosuke.

Jason: Okay... Ryu, no need. Thanks for saving my ass.

Ryosuke: Oh, your welcome.

Jason: So, after you???

Ryosuke: Sure.

And as planned, Ryosuke did a roundhouse kick and soon after, Jason unleashed several magma dragons from his arms that home in on the frozen Hazel as he punched him in his place while skid past him, indicating their finishers are done. Ryosuke soon closed his eyes, opening them slowly to resume the flow of time, causing Hazel to sustain a lot of blows, rendering his semblance greatly.

Jason: Whoa! What was that?

Ryosuke: Time Acceleration. I can speed and slow down time. What you witness is when I slowed timedown so that he will not get the opportunity to strike you.

Jason: I see.

Right on queue, Kori skid his way to them.

Kori: Nice semblance you got, and uh, thanks for saving my brother.

Ryosuke: It's nothing really. I'm just trying to keep my friends close, that's all.

He said this as Hazel got up as he is about to smash the ground, saying;

Hazel: And there is another saying goes. Keep your enemies CLOSER!!!!

Just as he was about to smash the ground to acquire target effect on Ryosuke, Kori, Jason, Ozpin, Qrow and Apollonir, they suddenly felt that they are being lifted off the ground as they are being thrown to aside as Hazel smashed the ground to create a shockwave around the target's effect radius, to everyone'ssurprise.

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