Lisa: Promises Made

Start from the beginning

We can make it through this together Lisa, i promise.


You kept your promise. Both of you talked everyday without fail. She would always find time for you and you would always make time for her.

You loved how whenever you both talked on the phone, it was as if you weren't in the UK and she wasn't in Korea. It would all feel perfectly fine and normal. You and Lisa made it seem as if distance was really just a number. Although, you would still like to thank those who have sacrificed their time and energy to contribute to technology, because if it wasn't for Skype and Facetime, you would've already lost your mind.

"Lisa! Remember the test i told you about last week? How it was so hard and that i was about to fail miserably? How i made it seem so dramatic?" You asked

"How could i forget, you thought you were going to die" She laughed remembering your dramatic outburst. That laugh, damn it.

"Yeah, guess what? Yo boy/girl ACED that freaking test" You said smiling brightly as you held up your test paper which was indeed, an A.

She stood up and started to applaud dramatically. "Wow you were so gonna fail" She said sitting back down. "But congrats baby, i never doubted your abilities once" She said giving you a big grin.


You continued talking everyday for months.


One day you got so caught up in your studies, that you forgot to call her. You felt so guilty the next day and immediately called your girlfriend to explain.

"Hello?" You asked as you sat on your bed.

"Mmm.. Hi" She replied with a sad voice.

"Lisa, first, i am so sorry that i didn't call you yesterday" You started. You continued to explain how you were studying so late until you literally fell asleep on your desk. She did not say a word as she was listening, or so you hoped, and it was quite scary.

"Lisa? Are you still there?"


"Look, baby, I'm sorry okay? I really am"

"Really? You won't do it again?"

"I promise" You smiled as you finally heard her cheerful voice through the phone.


You kept your promise for a few more weeks


Finals were coming up and you had to study harder. This caused you to miss another few days of calling Lisa. Things were starting to get difficult. But you weren't about to quit.

"This is the third time this week Y/N" She said sadly and you cursed yourself for forgetting to call her once again.

"I know i know and I'm so sorry finals are just right around the cor-"

"What's the use of saying sorry if you're just going to do it again?"

"I-" You could hear her crying.

"Lisa please don't cry.. You're making this so difficult" You sighed.

"Is it wrong for me to just want to talk to you?! Or are you already so busy with your life there that I'm not even a priority anymore?!" She was shouting and crying now.

"Look Lisa, i have finals coming up and what do you expect me to do? What do you want me to do?! The reason i came here is to pass this fvcking test!" You raised your voice trying to defend yourself. It wasn't fair that she was accusing you of purposely missing her calls.

"But.. You promised Y/N.." She whispered in defeat while sobbing. You instantly regretted raising your voice.

"I know Lisa, and I'm trying my best right now. My very best. For you. For us" You said softly.

"Maybe you are Y/N.. But maybe that isn't enough" She said bluntly and hung up.

You sat there staring at your phone. You looked to your right, at your passport and flight ticket which you just bought. You looked to your left, at your packed suitcase, which took so long to pack. You sighed, stood up, and started to unpack. 


You tried calling her a million times but Lisa refuses to pick up your calls. Texts were an even more depressing sight, it was as if you were texting a wall. You even asked her members for help. 'Her answer is still no. Sorry Y/N'. You weren't surprised at all though because Lisa was always so hard headed.

It had been a few weeks since your last conversation. You tried calling her again, as a daily routine, not expecting her to pick up at all but got the shock of your life when she did.

You cleared your throat.


"Let's break up" You were taken aback by her straightforwardness.

"Wait what?"

"Let's. Break. Up." She said more clearly this time.

"Wh- Why? Why are you doing this to me?" You were referring to the cold shoulder she had been giving you for the past few weeks.

"We fell apart, and i moved on" You froze.

"You- moved.. on?" You couldn't stop the tears.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Thank you for the good experience. I hope you lead a good and happy life" This wasn't like her at all, she would never be this cold to you.

Before you could say anything, she hung up.

She gave up on you first, but you weren't ready to give up on her yet.


You bought the first flight ticket to Seoul the next day. You weren't going to lose her. If she thinks that your effort wasn't enough, when you really did give your all, then this is gonna show her exactly how much she means to you.

After reaching Seoul, you left your bag at the airport, hoping that nobody steals it, drove to the closest florist and chocolate shop, bought her two favourite things, a rose(once again, pun intended) and her favourite chocolate box.

You drove to the area she lived in, parked a few houses away, got out of your car and started walking towards her house.

Have you ever had that moment where everything in your life just falls apart? All that you have built? In that split second? Where hope just comes crashing down? Where all your effort just ends up in the drain anyways? No matter how hard you try, still feel unappreciated? The feeling of betrayal? When you thought that the one you loved dearly, still loves you back?

Yeah, yours was when you saw Lisa in another person's arms, laughing like she didn't just go through a breakup in not more than 12 hours ago. They were walking back to her house, too blinded by their lustful eyes to even notice you.

In that moment, you knew that this was the end. There was nothing left. If only you had kept your promise. If only you tried harder. If only you treated her better. Now, someone else was doing exactly that. You left the rose and chocolate box on her doorstep. Let your tears fall. Wished her all the best in life. Walked back to your car and drove back to the airport.

You swore never to love anyone as much as you did Lisa. And nobody can love as much as Lisa did you.


Damn it, i hate writing stories with sad endings. Don't ask for a part 2 cause i'm terrible at writing sequels. Ugh i hate sad endings.

Sincerely, Author N

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