Chapter 13

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A/N: The BFF vibe is intentional. The constant sex or sex references are somewhat intentional as well. Lauren is still exploring yet finding she is enjoying Adrianne's company as well. She's kind of mixing admiration and physical attraction together and trying to define exactly what she's feeling. There wasn't much in that last chapter of Adrianne's thoughts and feelings and that is where the actual couple-y feelings come in. She wants Lauren and Lauren wants to want Adrianne, but her heart is of course elsewhere. This makes their relationship complicated and drawn out, Lauren is trying to find her feelings and Adrianne just kind of sticks around for the ride, hoping that in the end, Lauren is still there. This will also explain in greater detail why Adrianne was so put off by the thought of starting a relationship with Kim who, in her mind, was just finding herself as well. Adrianne didn't want to end up being another woman's experiment.

Adrianne was a stepping stone for Lauren. Lauren worked out her general feelings on life while in the safety and protection of Adrianne's feelings, then moved on to what she actually wanted. The friendship between the two has always been solid and equal. The relationship has always been one-sided. That is what this fic is about. It's not an epic love story. That's reserved for Camila and Lauren. There is love involved but not that deep of an emotion. You can't have Lauren confessing her undying love for one woman and then another right afterward.



"What about this one?" Adrianne asked holding up a photo, unconsciously waving it from side to side as her eyes scanned the others still on her bed. Lauren set her box of clothes down and leaned onto the brunette's bed and grabbed her wrist, stilling her arm so she could see what photo it was.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? It's an awesome picture."

Lauren shrugged and released her girlfriend's arm, returning her attention to her clothes that she was placing into the drawers Adrianne had emptied for her. "I just don't know if it's good enough or special enough to be put into a portfolio."

"Lauren, all your stuff is amazing." The brunette mumbled as she put that photo in the 'I like it but Lauren is being a pain in the ass' pile. "I think I would do better as your manager or agent than I ever will as your assistant. Otherwise, you're going to be doing birthday parties for the rest of your life."

"I appreciate your encouragement." The raven-haired mumbled and Adrianne rolled her eyes. She set the pictures down and got off the bed. Lauren saw her in the mirror and shut the dresser drawer, turning around as she approached. "What?"

Adrianne smiled faintly, feeling Lauren's frustrations and fears as her own. With the slightest movement, she leaned forward and kissed Lauren lightly, lingering in the connection. "You are amazing."

"No, I'm not." The photographer whispered back as their temples rested against each other and she ran her hands down Adrianne's arms.

"You are," Adrianne stated, lifting her head so she could look Lauren in the eyes, but the raven-haired refused to look at her. "Baby, look at me." She just shook her head so Adrianne stepped closer, pulling her closer with arms around her waist. "You have more talent in your little finger than I do in my entire body. You want this, don't you?"

"Of course I do. It's just not that simple."

"I know. You've told me about your fears of judgment and not standing up to what others think you should. I get it. But you have to overcome those fears in order to do something worth doing."

"I know!" Lauren snapped, pulling away from the brunette. "You telling me things I already know doesn't exactly help. It only makes me feel stupid for thinking them anyway." As soon as Lauren saw the hurt in Adrianne's eyes her heart broke. "Adrianne... I'm sorry."

There's Always Tomorrow (Prequel to BWYDT)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora