" yes she did. She took my boyfriend." Olivia started talking.

B-b-b boyfriend? 

" She didn't. She never liked him." Kyle yelled.

" How did you know Kyle?" carter spoke " She's always blushing and acting like she's angry so I could fall for her"

Is that what he thinks? Then why does he touch me everytime and- and- I don't know. Tears immediately ran through my face.

I only have an option. GO!. No one can see me leaving because thier back were facing the door but Kyle could see me. I'll make sure he can't.

I quickly turned my back and stepped out of the house. I heard footsteps behind me. Please God don't make it be Carter. It's not him. His busy with his girlfriend.

I run six blocks from the house so no one will find me.

I couldn't breath anymore so I stopped infront of a car and took a deep breath. I can't feel my legs anymore. I sat on the edge of the street and buried my head in my knees. Thoughts and thoughts flew in my head. 

What was I thinking? I thought Carter is a nice guy and cared for me but at the end he thought that- that am doing that to make him fall for me? 

I wish I could go back to the island. At least there isn't such things. 

" Lea?" I heard someone stepping closer. I raised my head and saw Kyle.

" Kyle? wh-wh-why did you follow me? you were suppose to be with your friends." I cried. 

" No. I can't be with jerks anymore. And yes I followed you because I cared about you." he sat near me and rubbed his arm around my shoulder.

" Am sorry for everything lea" He whispered

" It's not your fault Kyle." I couldn't handle myself so I burst out crying covering my face with my hands. I cried until my tears were dried .

" It's okay Lea. Calm down" 

" No it's not Kyle. It's definitely not. She was right. She was right that am strange and no one could trust me. Why did you even come? I could hurt you. as she said" I yelled

" No she's not right Lea. She's 100% wrong. I told you why I came. And no you would definitely not hurt me Lea." He spit

We stayed quiet for a while

" Sorry Kyle. I just couldn't believe it. I threw my anger at you" I breathed.

" Don't worry lea. I would have done the same thing. I know. I also couldn't believe. I know Olivia, she's always like that but - but Carter" he took a deep breath. " Carter always tells me you're good and you're not like other girls and there is no way his gonna hurt you. I am really shocked now."

Listening of Carter's name made the hair on my hand and neck fully stand.

" Well. he did hurt me" 

" It's definitely Olivia. She can brainwash people'smind without them noticing." 

He calmed me and we hugged each other for a couple of minutes until I felt comfortable.

" Thanks Kyle. You're the best brother ever. I will never forget what you did for me right now."

" You're also the best sister I've ever met. I will always stand by your side even if Carter is my best friend."

" Ready to go? It's 12:00 am" he stood up and held out his hand.

" I don't want to go to the house please Kyle. Take me to a hotel or anyplace but not the house" I said as I accepted his hand and got up.

" Okay. Come with me"


" This is my house. You can sleep here tonight and as much as you want. Just act like it's your house okay? Come and let me show you the guest room then I'll show you the house." he took me upstairs.

He took out a t-shirt and shorts from the closet." You can wear these tonight. They're my last year basketball t-shirt and shorts." he handled them to me.

" You play basketball?" I asked 

" Yeah it's my favourite sports. Not only that but am obsessed with it." he smiled

I returned the smile as I said " Wow that's cool"

" Yeah. Okay so you seem tired. You should sleep. Good night sis."

" I don't know what to say. Thank you"  


A/N Hi guys. So you knew about carter and his girlfriend. And how Kyle is a good brother..

So I will update as soon as possibly because i know you want to know what will happen between carter and lea.

Thank you so much for voting and reading my book. much appreciated. but i still need votes. I know you guys are amazing readers so please vote and leave a comment.


~ L.M~

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