I noticed Asuka getting in a stance again, however this time it would be different. As she rushed at me at mach speed i quickly thrust my spear forward, as i anticipated Asuka dodged to my right and went for a strike. I spun around to mu left and ducked as i felt her blade almost cut my hair. Before she could react i slashed her stomach area shredding her clothes.

She quickly jumped away in retaliation and looked at her stomach area, she was lucky with her shredded clothes. Had she been cut deeper it would have been a wound, anyways she quickly inspected her "wound" when finding out she was unscathed she sighed and looked at me seriously. This time she threw several shuriken at me and rushed at me.

Ninpo: Dual Slash

I quickly twirled my spear around to deflect the shurikens before barely ducking under Asuka's swing and batted her away using my spear. When she landed i quickly rushed at her taking the offensive, i went for either stabs or slashes and i forced her on the defensive.

Yagyū POV

I looked extremely surprised qt the sight in front of me, things had been going well for Asuka at first as everyone was cheering her on. However the battle quickly took a turn when Rohan started countering her attacks and managed to force her on the defensive.

The thing was, his style. After seeing her in combat for less than a minute he was able to figure out her fighting style and how to effectively counter her. Also he was wielding a spear, it was the main problem for Asuka as Rohan had better range than her and extremely precise attacks.

Also those weren't blind strikes, they were strikes sent to hit her vital spots she had to block. Afterwards he would strike in a different area, Asuka couldn't react to all of them and thus repeatedly got her clothes shredded in multiple places.

Asuka POV

I was currently trying to block the onslaught Rohan was delivering on me, it was extremely hard to block all of his attacks. That was until he kicked me away, he had been wearing me down to as i was able to feel i was walking onto my last legs.

He then took a stance, seemingly to use a finishing blow. So i had no other choice as I stood straight and breathed in and out before yelling:


Rohan POV

I looked weirdly at Asuka, i had my weapon ready and she was going to transform in the middle of a fight? I would have a free strike and waited while continuing to look at her until her clothes exploded an she was in her... how do you call it again in an appropriate manner? Oh yes, birthday suit.

My eyes almost bulged out of my sockets as i was able to see, everything... yes everything!!!

Before I could even react she rushed at me with covered in a green aura

Ninpo: Hanzo Style: Full Bloom!!!

She yelled as she released a barrage of slashes, i was able to block them all however my arms hurt like hell. She wasn't finished through as she smashed her swords on the ground and sharp rocks smashed directly into my stomach launching me into the wall creating a smoke cloud.

When the smoke subsided I could be seen unconscious while bleeding from my nose, mouth and right eye. Before i lost consciousness again i saw Kiraya running up to me, then everything became black again.

I sighed as i was once again in the blackness and looked around, a familiar sight. I sat down for a while until i felt something pulling me up to the light. When i opened my eyes i was in the infirmary again.

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