Prologue: Lost girl

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'Italics' are thoughts.


"How did I end up here?" You asked to no one in particular.

Your question was followed by utter silence, the kind of silence that sent chills down your spine.

You had lost track of time, but knew it was very late since the sky was starting to darken.

It was all (F/N)'s fault. That damned girl had decided to make a bet, knowing you couldn't refuse when it came to challenges. Besides, (F/N) was the type of girl that would keep insisting on something until she was given what she wanted.

And so, you were now walking through a creepy forest. Having a bad sense of direction from the very start didn't help much either...

All you wanted to do was to get back home safe and sound, but as time passed, you began feeling more and more desperate.

The idea at first was to have a peaceful walk around the outter part of the forest and then go to your friend to brag about having won the bet. That's right, you never expected to get carried away and lost in thought, resulting in you being unable to return to the path.

"Ugh..." You groaned, annoyed at yourself for being so careless. "I feel like I've been walking in circles for ages"

In fact, you could've sworn it was the fifth time you had come across the same tree.

Was it a cursed forest or something like that?


'I mean, that kind of thing doesn't exist in real life... Right?'

You felt a cold breeze for a few seconds and you involuntarily gulped.

After five minutes of wandering around aimlessly, you finally spotted something that wasn't vegetation and rocks.

A house. More specifically, a not-very-large house made of wood.

You didn't want to get your hopes up in case it was a result of your imagination playing tricks on you, but you felt a wave of relief when you realised it was a real house.

You just hoped that whoever lived in that house was stil inside and he or she wouldn't hesitate in helping a lost girl find her way back home.

Making your way towards the main entrance, you were now standing in front of the door. Just as you were about to open the door, insecurity stopped you.

'No, now isn't the time for that...'

You pushed those thoughts aside and with new found determination, you knocked on the door a few times.

As you were waiting for someone to open up the door, you couldn't help but cross your arms and start tapping the wooden floor with your foot, making it look like you were the most nervous person in the world.

'I knew it, I shouldn't have--'

Your thoughts were interrupted by the creaking sound of the door opening slowly, like in a horror film.

After taking a step inside that mysterious place, you placed your (right/left) hand on the doorknob, wondering who was the responsible for letting you in.

Seeing there was no one nearby, you gulped. Gathering all the courage you could, you decided to take a look around the place in search of anyone who could help you.

A loud 'bang' startled you, and when you turned around your expression turned as white as a sheet.

The door had been closed.

You ran towards the door and tried to open it, but to no avail.

You muttered a few obscene words and carried on walking, being dead set on finding another way out of that horrid place.

As soon as you spotted a blinding light at the end of the corridor, you covered your eyes with your arm and kept walking towards it, thinking it may be an exit door.

However, the closer you got to that light, the dizzier you felt and the harder it was for you to keep your balance.

"Just... A bit more..." You managed to utter.

One step more and you'd be touching the light.


You imagined yourself being at home, your family and friends hugging you and telling you they were very worried for your sudden disappearence.

You hugged them back, tears of happiness blurring your vision.


'Huh? What's going on?'

In a blink of an eye, everything turned black. That light was nowhere to be found, and you realised that the dream you had just seen was just wishful thinking, and that it was nowhere near to what was really going on at the moment.

Facing the cruel reality, the only thing that you were able to see was darkness.

Nothing more, nothing less.

And with that, you closed your eyes, only to be surrounded once more by darkness...

Slowly, you began to lose consciousness.


Sorry for my shitty grammar❤. Oh and don't forget to vote or comment. Opinions and advice are highly appreciated~

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