Chapter 7 [ Dragon Slayers ]

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A knocking on my door woke me up, I groan and snuggled into Kira... I mean, it felt like it was Kira. I hope it was...

As I opened my eyes I sighed as it was Kira that I was hugging and closed my eyes. I then heard another knock and I glared "What?!" I yelled out
I heard a tiny yelled from the other side and I sighed "Izuku..?" No one answered, Just as I was about to close my eyes I heard the door open, At the doorway was Izuku with something in his hand "Izuku? What is it?" I got up from my bed and rubbed my eyes and fixed my hair

"My mom told me to buy some stuff for you and teach some of the rules we have here while I'm with you shopping.." I nodded my head and left Kira on the bed since she was still sleeping, I got out of the room and into the bathroom

"Now that I think about it, I barely use the toilet" (is it just me? Or do we never see them use the bathroom at all, all we see is Lucy taking a bath)

After doing what I needed to do I walked into the kitchen and smiled "Hello Inko~" She smiled at me "Good morning Y/n"

"Good morning..?" Inko nodded "It'sthe period of time between midnight and noon, especially from sunrise to noon" I nodded my head "Uhh then whats midnight and noon?"

"Midnight is the middle period of the night while noon is midday"

'I still don't understand noon but okay' I nodded my head and smiled "That's so cool! The only way for my to find out if its m-midnight..? is looking at the sun or moon"

Inko laughed and put a plate on the table "Sit down and eat Y/n" I nodded my head and sat down. I looked at the plate and it didn't look much. It had bacon and eggs with a weird looking pancake "Hey Inko what's this thing right here"

She looked up and looked at what I was pointing at "That's a waffle" My eyes widen "I think I've think I heard of those in Earthland! Wow so cool!" I took a bite of it and fell in love "It's so good


After eating both Inko and Izuku took me outside to explore everything and to buy me stuff. Kira also came along and was in a bag that Inko gave me. Which Izuku was carrying...

"Wowww, It's so beautiful here!!" I yelled out, I then heard Izuku mumbld "How did Y/n get her magic..?" I turned around and smiled "I got it from a dragon Izuku" "Huh?! Y-you heard me?" I nodded "Dragon Slayers have really really good hearing! Like.. over there!" I pointed at a kid with spiky brown hair that was with a girl with Pink skin and pink hair "I know what they are talking about!"

"But they're so far away?!" I laughed "Haha! I don't know how I have it but I do!"

"There are five ways one can learn Dragon Slayer Magic. The first way is one must be taught by an actual Dragon. The ones who learned their Dragon Slayer Magic through this method are referred to as First Generation Dragon Slayers."

"Wow.. Who are all the first generations?" I giggled and pointed to myself

"I'm one of them! haha! My brother is too, Same with Gajeel and Wendy! We are the only first gens"

I pointed 2 fingers up

"The second way is one must have Dragon Lacrima implanted into their body. The ones who learned their Dragon Slayer Magic through this method are referred to as Second Generation Dragon Slayers... I honestly hate this version" I grabbed my arm

"Do.. you know anyone who has that?" I nodded my head "Laxus does.. He stupid father gave him it, and another person.. His name is Erik, He's a poison dragon slayer" Izuku's eyes widen as he heard the word poison "P-p-posion?!" I nodded my head "yeah posion"

I then lifted another finger

"The third way which is a combination of the above two methods: ones who both learned their Dragon Slayer Magic by receiving the teachings of a Dragon and also having Lacrima implanted into their body. The ones who learned how to perform Dragon Slayer Magic by utilizing both methods are referred to as Third Generation Dragon Slayers"

"So do you know any?" I nodded my head "They were stupid and dumb and was rude to us Fairies.. I hate their guts" Izuku got scared as he heard my deep voice again "U-uuhh were?" I nodded and smiled "The reason they were like that was because of their guild.. They had an evil master and knew what he was doing was bad. But they both loved that guild and decided to kept up the way that acted. After they lost a fight between us they started treating us better.."

"What's their name?" I smiled "Sting the White Dragon Slayer and Rouge the Shadow Dragon Slayer" I lifted another finger

"The fourth way one can learn Dragon Slayer Magic is through self-taught, Though It's impossible. I know no one who has self-taught themselves"

I lifted another finger

"Lastly the fifth way is for them to consume a Dragon and are referred to as Fifth Generation Dragon Slayers and again, That is impossible yet possible at the same time"

Izuku tilted his head "What do you mean?"

I sighed "Sting and Rouge said that they killed their dragons, yet that's impossible because dragons are too strong.. That's why I'm here, the dragon that Sting was fighting sent me into this world"

Izuku nodded his head, understanding "So that's why when we first saw you and they first thing that you said was "Where is the dragon""

I nodded my head "Yeah.."

There was a silence after I was done explaining

"Anywayyysssss Let's go shopping!"

Apart a New World | BNHA X Fairy Tail Crossover *DISCONTINUED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin