I decided to call Elisha. I dialed her number, standing there. It rung about 5 times until she answered. "Hello?"

 "Elisha where the actual frick are you?!" I shout a bit, relieved though that I finally got a hold of her.

 "I'm on the football field, why?" She asked.

 I sighed, "Look, I need to sleepover by you is that okay?" 

 "Oh i'm not going to be home. You know me and my familia is celebrating Día de Muertos tomorrow." 

 "I didn't know that!" 

 Elisha laughed, "Yup." 

 I sighed in disappointment. "Alright." I hung up the call. Nalia happened to be nearby, "What'd she say?" 

 "I guess...i'm coming with you." I pout. Nalia smiled, "Don't worry, it's not that bad." Nalia tried to comfort me. I folded my arms.

 The last thing I wanted to do was be at some senior party where i'm the only junior. Just a perfect way to get made fun of by some seniors. But at the same time, I wondered what a senior party was like.


 It took like almost forever for us to leave. When we were getting ready to go, the majority of everyone at the game had left already, and it seemed like we were the last left.

Minus some staff and other people. It wasn't just me, Nalia, and Quinn. No. They just had to bring over a dozen girls and guys.

 Quinn thankfully drove an SUV, so I sat way in the back, cringing at the loud and crazy seniors. Nalia sat in passengers and a bunch of guys and girls, who sat on those guys laps, were in the backseats. 

 I watched as they yelled and filmed each other. The music from the aux was so loud it felt like my ears were bleeding.

I had no idea how someone could listen to trap music this loud. Even more so how they could listen to it everyday, over and over.

Trapheads man..

 The windows were down and i'm pretty sure Quinn was speeding.

 I was praying that the lord won't let these crazy people kill me.

 But we had made it to her house. And to my surprise, her house party had already started. She had a two story that seemed obviously bigger than mine.

I could see the lights inside and hear the music blasting.

 Quinn had lazily parked in her yard and we had all got out. I was last of course.

 Now, as soon as I stepped through her front door, whatever I was expecting was all the way wrong. I mean, I was right, but this was all the way intense. Sure, I expected things to be crazy, like in the movies. 

 But geez. As soon as you walk in a hurl of smoke invades your nose and all you could smell is the gross mix of cigarettes and vape. 

 Smoke was all you could see, it clouded the air and it was obvious multiple people were juuling. Drunk seniors were dancing around and yelling. Girls were shaking their butts on guys and guys were making out with a few girls.

 It seemed like they'd do it right then and there.

 My eyes were a bit wide and my mouth frowned. Nalia seemed to ignore everything and hugged her friends from afar. 

 Well damn Nalia, at least help me out here. 

 I stood close to her, but she didn't seem to mind me as she was talking it up with her friends. My arms were folded as I awkwardly looked around at the drunk and high seniors around me.

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