Chapter 1: Everything will be alright

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You were humming while cleaning some plates in the kitchen when suddenly a huge commotion could be heard from inside the bar. You sighed as most probably another drunkards fight was taking place.

"Kacchan!" You called for him and he walked down the stairs as the house was connected to the bar.

"What do you want? It better be something important cause I swear if not-" He said and you interrupted him signalling with your head to where the loud ruckus was coming from, and you soon resumed with your task. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Can't you do it yourself, you fucking wimp?" He asked and his mother, Mitsuki, smacked his head as she entered the kitchen. "Ouch!! The fuck you old hag??"

"Is that a way to talk to your mother and _____?!" Mitsuki scolded him and he answered acting like a wild beast, soon engaging in a fight while you and his dad laughed at their discussion. This was a common thing to happen at the Bakugou's residence. Correction, your house.

Yup, you live with them. Why, do you ask? Well, your parents died from the flu when you were younger, around three or four years old. You aren't sad about their death though. Sure, you miss them and you wish they were here, but you were young when it happened and you barely remember them. Since Mitsuki and Masaru were close friends with your parents, they ended up taking care of you. Ever since them, you were basically a Bakugou as they treated you as their own daughter, and you loved your current family.

On the other hand, Kacchan is two years older than you, meaning he's nineteen. He's, as Mitsuki would say, at his rebellious stage. However, as explosive as he is, you know he doesn't mean a single word he says; he's a fucking tsundere. He acts tough and all that, but at the end of the day he is always there for you when you need him. For that reason, you always viewed him as a hero, like the ones you hear from stories, and even though you don't know it, he's studying to become a cop because of that.

Now that we mention it, it's impressive that someone of your class is studying, if not rare. You aren't exactly rich; you barely manage. However, it's the first time you and your family had seen him so eager to do something in his life, so you don't mind cutting a little of your budget for him. And he definitely appreciates it since he's putting all of his effort into it.

"Now go and take care of them, you idiot of a son!" Mitsuki motioned for him to go and he clicked his tongue, going to see what was happening and you chuckled at this. You don't know why he even tries to rebel when, wrong or right, she always wins a discussion. That's momma for you.

After some loud cursing and thrashing, everything was solved in a matter of seconds and your usual customers were bursting in laughs, with drink in hand. They knew Kacchan's anger issues and they made it a custom to gamble with each other's to see how many people he would knock out on the day.

"Hey ______, how about you keep this mood up and sing us a song?" One of your usuals asked red and drowzy from all the beer he had that night.

"Oh please, I'm busy here trying to keep up with all you're eating." You said as you pretended to go to the kitchen again, only to turn around dramatically as you grabbed a wooden ladle and placed it in front of your mischievous smile.

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you

"Woohoo!! That's our girl!!" Everyone began clapping and cheering for you, making you chuckle in between the lyrics. It definitely gave a boost to your confidence and you got cockier the more you sang.

Tomorrow I'll miss you

Remember I'll always be true

Some were singing sloppily with you as they were drunk, while some stood up with their beers in hand as they danced and twirled you around.

And then while I'm away

I'll write home every day

You went to the ones that were shyer and sang as if you were confessing your feelings for them, earning a few blushes by the way.

And I'll send all my loving to you

Now the whole bar has joined your little karaoke and you were all were having a good time singing and laughing, some even hicupping.

All my loving I will send to you

All my loving, darling I'll be true (...)

Everyday was the same routine, but you loved it.

'I couldn't wish for something better.' 




When you closed the bar, your throat was all sore from all that singing and you looked for something to soothe the pain in the kitchen. There, you saw Kacchan and he gave you a cup of drink.

"Oh wow, we're feeling generous today, aren't we?" You asked and chugged down the cup of warm lemon drink with honey. Your throat was thanking you as you did.

"Don't get the wrong ideas loser. Dad made it for you and told me to give you this when you finish before going to bed. Took you a long damn time." He grumbled annoyed.

"Yeah right. I'll pretend I'm not seeing the mess you made out of the kitchen." You chuckled and hugged him, getting him more annoyed, which you loved doing. "Thank you big bro" You really loved him; he's the best brother you could ask for.

"Whatever" He said rolling his eyes, but returned the hug nonetheless.

"Anyways, what was the commotion before about?" You asked, remembering the fight that happened a couple of hours ago.

"Just two drunkards arguing about the king. The fuckers seem to be growing in number lately"

"Oh.." He was talking about the people that don't want Toshinori as your king anymore.

Your kingdom was once peaceful and considered to be one of the bests to live in. But that's the thing: it was. It all went downhill the moment All For One's kingdom decided to attack yours about a decade ago after several years of peace. Why? You don't know for sure. You were once one nation centuries ago, but at some point we divided into two territories.

Your king fought alongside your soldiers on the front lines and managed to defeat the enemy and win the war. But it was no time for celebration as King Toshinori ended up gravely injured.

He's one of the kindest kings the kingdom ever had and you all greatly respect and love him for what he did. You are loyal to him and will follow whatever he says, but there's a feeling of uncertainty growing within the people, questions like 'who's going to lead us when he passes away?' 

Your majesty has a daughter but, as much as you love the princess, she's still young and naive. The questioning got worse the moment All For One's successor, Tomura Shigaraki, got to the throne because it is said that he's just as fearsome as the previous king. So lately, more and more people, including yourself, fear that with a king so weak, you'll soon fall under another attack...

"Hey, stop thinking about it, everything's going to be fine. He's All Might after all, he always knows what's best for our people" Kacchan said. Without knowing, you had been tightening your grip on him and when you realized, you let go as you nodded in response.

'Yes, that's right, it's just as Kacchan says'  you thought. 'There's nothing to worry about and, as long as I have my family, everything will be alright.'

(DISCONTINUED) Silhouette [Shouto x Reader AU]Where stories live. Discover now