"That sounds like my mom alright."

Dad appears with a food cart like the ones at hospitals for bedridden patients.

"Hey dad."

"Hey pumpkin. I brought your breakfast. Oh and you have a few visitors when you're done eating. Just mind-link me when you're done."

"Ok." He disappears. I start eating my breakfast. All my favorite breakfast foods are on the cart.

"Am I supposed to finish this?"

"Goodness no!" Laura replies, "We put all of your favorite breakfast foods so that you could have a choice of what to eat without waiting for the chefs to cook it."

"Good. Cause I'm pretty sure I won't finish it."

"I will remain here until you eat an acceptable amount. Eating is an essential part of the healing process."




'I'm done'




When dad said there were a few visitors he was highly exaggerating. Literally all my cousins came into the room.

"You're awake!" Claire exclaims.

"Hey guys. What brings you here?"

"Did she just ask that? Caine did you hear what she just said?"

"Claire don't start drama. She didn't mean it that way," Caine says.

"Oh I didn't mean it to come out that way," I said, realizing what I said.

"It's ok. Since you're sick we'll treat you extra nice," Victoria says, "so how's the sick girl doing?"

"You mean injured girl," Jeffery corrects her.


"I'm doing ok," I interject, preventing an argument.

"Sorry," Claire apologizes, "We sometimes forget who's presence we are in."

"You don't need to talk formal around me. Remember I'm new at this too," I say.

"Right," Caine says. Claire gives him an irritated look. 'They're just like Marianna and Jared'

"You're lucky to be a white-lighter. You can heal yourself," Tony says.

He has no idea how wrong he is. I pretend I didn't hear the comment.

"So how old are you guys really? I know vampires grow very slow."

"You don't want to know," Tony says.

"Jeesh, that old?" I ask.

"No! What are you doing Tony? Don't make her think we're as old as grandmas!" Victoria says.

"Victoria's 17, Tony's 18, Caine and I are 17, and Jeffery's 16 all in human age. In vampire age we're all in our 30s but we still have teenage minds," Claire says in one breath.

"That explains it," I say.

"That explains what?" Jared asks.

"Well you guys act like mature adults at times, but then like immature children other times. Mostly the guys though."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Caine.

"It means all guys are immature," Claire answers.

"Not all guys-

"No more fighting," I say sternly. The siblings abruptly stop. 'That's better'

"We're annoying aren't we?" Claire asks.

"I wouldn't call it that..."

"Sorry. My big brother and I will shut up now." For 39 seconds there's pure silence. Tony was the first to break the silense.

"Well, we have to go training so see ya later Mel," he says and they shuffle out of my room, wishing me a quick recovery. A minute later the crew comes in.

"Hey guys," I say to my friends.

"Hey. We heard you're ok," April says.

"Yeah I just have to stay in bed. What have you guys been up to?"

"Training, going to school, all that boring stuff," Mariana answers.

"Everything's so boring without you. Get better fast so I can tease you and make fun of you," Jared says.

"Jared!" Mariana exclaims disapprovingly.

"Haha I miss you guys too," I say quickly, "It's so boring laying in bed all day."

"We can keep you company. Play card games or something," Mason suggests.

"Don't you guys have to go to school and train?"

"Yeah but we can visit afterwards."

"Sure that would be great. Thanks for the suggestion," I say sincerely. 'Finally something to do.' The group starts shuffling out the room. I see Ethan among the group.


Ethan jumps, startled. He turns around to look at me.

'I have to tell you something.'

He closes the door and walks over to me.

"What is it you want to say?" he asks hopefully.

"I don't know if I love you. I don't know the signs that confirm it. I really don't have experience," I say straight to the point.

He smiles at me, "Neither do I. I found out when I started thinking about you in an intimate way. I started noticing your beautiful face and your kindness. Also your smartness." Wow he is way too open with his feelings.

I chuckle at that. "I'm not saying I reject you, but I need some time to figure out my own feelings. I'll tell you when I'm ready. Just don't act weird around me ok? I don't want some people to find out just yet."

"Of course, but I can't help my happiness from you deciding to think about it." I smile at that and sigh deeply.

"Now what am I going to do all day?"

"I would hang with you, but I have to go to school. I'll be here after school."

"Thanks. Hey what did my mom say to the teacher?" I ask curiously.

"About that... She said you fainted and you're in a coma. I guess it's the only logical explanation for you not showing up to school for a week. The teacher offered to visit at the hospital, but your mom said you're at home and there can't be any visitors."

"Wow. And does the whole school know?"

"Yup. Almost everyone's sympathetic."

"Well I didn't expect for everyone to like me," I say nonchalantly.

"Also there's something weird going on in school. There are werewolves and some vampires enrolling in the school. I don't know what your mom thinks about this. We can't transfer every time a werewolf enrolls."

"Yeah that is weird. I'll ask my mom about it. You guys should be careful around those werewolves. Who knows if they're like the ones I've encountered," I shudder involuntary.

"Hey. We're safe in your castle. No one will hurt you here. I'll tell the others to be careful if that makes you feel better," he says in understanding, "I have to go now see you later," he says and almost kisses me on the cheek, but remembers my boundaries and smiles apologetically.

"Bye," I say sincerely.

Not So "Ordinary" Girl(Editing)Where stories live. Discover now