| twenty two |

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Chapter twenty two; A lack of control


Olivia's eyes were almost closing themselves as they breached the early morning sun. She, Harry and Ron were on their way back to the tent where Olivia had left Hermione at some point in the morning. Between Ron and Harry, she had been told enough to compensate what was going on, although her tired mind created a harsh block that stopped most information from passing through.

All she really got from their long explanation was something about a Patronus, Harry getting into the lake and almost strangled by the locket, the Sword of Gryffindor and Ron destroying the locket of Salazar Slytherin.

It was either all completely mad but true, or Olivia was exceptionally delusional.

Harry called out for Hermione for the second time as they reached the tent and it wasn't long before she emerged looking worried, "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine," Harry nodded, "Yeah, it's actually more than fine." He told her as she walked to them.

Olivia walked over to a nearby tree and collapsed down on to the ground in a tired state, watching as Hermione stood wordlessly at the top of the small hill.

At the bottom Ron stood with a bright, beaming smile on his face. His bag slung over his shoulder and the Sword of Gryffindor in his hand. His smile widened further when he saw Hermione and he stepped forwards again, "Hey."

While the two boys stood smiling, Olivia watched with amusement as Hermione fumed. She stormed down the hill, glaring at Ron and when she reached him pulled his bag off his shoulder, "You," she pushed him backwards, "complete," she picked up a pile of leaves and threw them at him, "arse, Ronald Weasley." Hermione lunged for his bag and hit him in the leg with it, all the while Olivia sat laughing tiredly, "You show up after weeks, and all you say is 'Hey'?"

Ron looked astonished and completely baffled at the same time as he stared at Hermione. The girl turned on her heel to face Harry, with the same fuming expression and marched over to him, "Where's my wand Harry?" Harry backed away quickly, "where's my wand?"

"I don't know." He said quickly, ducking away.

"Harry Potter you give me my wand!" Hermione yelled, backing him into a tree.

"I don't have it!"

"How come he's got your wand?"

Twiddling the wood in her fingers, Olivia prepared to tell Hermione that she had her wand, but she turned on her heel to Ron, "Nevermind why he's got my wand." Olivia pressed her lips together in a thin line as Hermione re-approached Ron, "What is that?" Ron held up the broken Horcrux for visual confirmation, looking more than proud of himself.

"It's the Horcrux." Olivia called over.

"You destroyed it?" Hermione said uncertainly before spying the sword, "and how is it that you just happen to have the Sword of Gryffindor?"

Harry stepped forwards to Ron's aid, "It's a long story."

"It is," Olivia supported, "took them ages to explain it to me."

Hermione looked from Harry to Olivia and then back to Ron before shaking her head, "Don't think this changes anything."

"Now hang on a minute," Olivia said out loud as Hermione head back in the direction of the tent, "he just destroyed a pissing Horcrux! You can't tell me that he's not earned the tinsiest bit of redemption in your eyes?"

"Why would it change anything?" Ron exasperated in a baffled tone, "look, I wanted to come back as soon as I left. I just didn't know how to find you."

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