Dear Diary

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A lot can change in two months. It took a few weeks in a group home, but somehow we actually ended up being fostered by someone who is really nice. I still do not understand how everything happened, but apparently Edith's parents are on the foster care list or something like that. They have been registered as foster parents for years. They ended up becoming our temporary guardians.

Goliath is in jail and my mother is missing. I have no idea where she is. She ran and left us with Goliath when she saw what was happening. She did not even try to help us. I cannot get over the fact that my mother literally threw us away. She just disappeared into the night.

Skye and I are still trying to get used to the idea of not living with mom and living with Edith's parents. It is strange to be around a normal family. There is always food in the house. There is hot water to shower in. We each have our own rooms with an actual bed to sleep on. There is no yelling and fighting. There is no fear or underlying tension.

It is the complete opposite of how we grew up.

For the first time in my life I can start thinking about the future. I have no idea what I am going to do with my life, but at least now I have a chance. I can find a life separate from that of my mother. I can learn from her mistakes and hopefully make better decisions.

Everything just happened so quickly.

My whole life changed.

I know that people often use this specific line, but that is literally what happened.

Skye is more alone and closed off than ever before. He is still dating Natasha, but he does not talk to me about her. I have given up on trying to get him to see that she is leading him down a dark path. Even though I love my brother and I will never stop caring about what happens to him I cannot stop living my life, just because he is refusing to live his. I understand that what we went through has a way of irrevocably changing the way that you look at life.

I have chosen to be hopeful and he has chosen to walk in the obscurity of the night. He is not dealing with it. He is keeping it bottled up inside.

You would think that after everything that happened, both of us almost dying, that it would bring us closer together, but it just drove us further apart. I do not know if we will ever share that same bond again. If I will ever be able to see my brother laugh again. It breaks my heart.

I guess everyone handles trauma in a different way. Who am I to judge him?

I go to therapy and a support group every week. It helps to talk to other people who have gone through similar circumstances. I have tried to convince Skye to come with, but he blatantly refuses.

Edith always goes with me. It is held at their church. I never really imagined myself ever willingly going to church, but there is a first time for everything. I have to be open to change or nothing will ever change.

If this were a novel or a movie there would be some kind of happy reunion between my brother and I, but it is not. This is real life and I have to settle for an "in-between" happy ending.

This is not the ending though.

This is just the beginning.

I just hope that we can get him back before we lose him completely.

We are both alive. That in itself is a miracle.

I will keep trying to reach out to him.

I am not going to give up on my brother.

It is about time that I start living my life. 

"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin" - Anthony Robbins

"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin" - Anthony Robbins

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