Chapter Two

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Skye looked highly irritated as I told him about the extra classes with Harper. He tapped his pencil on the table and chewed the inside of his cheek.

"I thought that you were doing better in home economics?"

"Well...That was because you helped me. It is going better...really...except for the fact that I might accident set fire to one of the microwaves." Skye sneered at me and shook his head.

"I can assume that this incident took place last week when I had to pick up mom from the Police Station?" He said the sentence as if though it was perfectly normal to pick up your mother from the Police Station after she got arrested for drunk driving.

It looked like he had to force himself not to laugh. The laugh is naturally directed at me and not my mother. My mother is never funny when she is drunk. She is mean and malicious.

"It is not that funny. How was I supposed to know that a stupid KFC Twister is wrapped in foil? They should put some kind of warning on it." I pulled my face.

"May I ask what you were doing with a KFC Twister in Home Economics in the first place?" He looks at me with a confused expression on his face.

"Um...Well...It is a long story...You see...Miss Alexander wanted us to make breakfast. So while she went out for a smoke break, which usually takes longer than twenty minutes, I ran across the street to KFC and I bought a Twister. The idea was that I would heat up the Twister a few minutes and then I would take it out of the folder thingy and put it in a plate and I would say that I made it...Tada..." Skye started to laugh out loud. Everyone in Biology class glared at us. I am the only one that can make my brother actually laugh out loud.

What can I say?

I am a genius.

Skye stopped laughing and having fun when my mother told him that he had to grow up and become the man of the house. He was around eleven at the time, but even before then my brother always felt like it was his responsibility to make sure that we survived. Mostly me. My mother has always managed to look after herself.

"Unbelievable. You are such a total bad$#@"

"Yeah. That is me. I am a real rebel."

"Look on the bright side. With your luck in the kitchen you will probably end up setting Harper on fire." Skye said it with a perfectly straight face. Harper and my brother do not get along. They hate each other.

I think it all started when my brother was fourteen and Harper was fifteen. While Brian and I dated, Brian and the other cool kids would leave Skylar alone. Brian made them promise and most of them listened.

One night Brian planned a huge party. None of us were even close to the legal age to drink, but it did not stop us. I took Skye with me, because I thought that he needed to get out more. I thought that he needed to learn to be more social with other people.

The party was Brian's idea but they held it at Harper's house. His house is only a few blocks away from the school and it is really big. When I say big, I mean humungous! My house can fit three times into his living room alone.

It was my first official house party. After the third hour of the party everyone was completely wasted and most of the couples disappeared into one of the rooms. There were more than enough rooms to go around.

I had way too much to drink and I could barely walk as Brian led me into one of the rooms. The second we walked into the room we started to kiss. It was not a normal kiss. It was that type of kiss that usually lead to something more. It did not take long before Brian's shirt was off and both of us were on the bed. I was busy taking my shirt off over my head when a kid ran in to the room and screamed;

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