Dear Diary

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I think that dreams say a lot about a person; especially nightmares.

Two weeks ago I walked down the stairs to Skye's room. At first I did not even know that he was in the room. It was late in the afternoon.

Whenever it rained we would hang our washed clothes in the garage to dry. There was a clothing line that spanned across the room. Either Skye or I would usually do the washing. My mother was not exactly the type of person to do housework. She did not even bat an eyelash when it came to wearing the same outfit for a whole week.

I took my hoodie and walked back towards the stairs.

I stopped when I heard my brother's frightened voice.

He was asleep on his matrass below the stairs.

"Stop...No...Stop..." He was sweating. He subconsciously pushed himself into a corner. Almost as if though he was trying to get away from someone.

"Skye..." I gently shook his shoulder.

He moaned and then he started to scream in his sleep.


I started to get scared and I bent down to get closer to him. He started to fight me as I attempted to wake him up.

"Skye...Skylar...Wake up!!!" I shook him harder and he woke up suddenly.

He looked like he was filled with terror for a few seconds. He moved away from me and took a few quick breaths. He shook his head and his eyes blinked rapidly.

"What happened?"

"What?" He asked as he rubbed the sweat off his forehead.

"You were screaming in your sleep and shaking..."

"I had a nightmare Mac. It is nothing to worry about."

The thing is I was worried and I still am.

I know the signs, but I did not want to believe it.

Things like that do not happen to boys, do they?

That is what the world tries to tell us. The truth is that they happen more often than we would like to believe and they are less likely to report it. I had the same type of nightmares after what happened with Ray. Just writing his name or saying his name makes me think about what he did. It brings the memories of that day back like a flood.

I know that Ray did something to Skylar too, but he has never spoken to me about it.

He was a closed book.

Skye's nightmares became worse and worse these last two weeks.

He started to go out every night.

He would return early in the morning and then he would leave again before Goliath and my mother woke up.

We have not had a decent conversation in what feels like a month.

The more I try to talk to him about it, the more I try to warn him about the bad influence that Natasha is on him, the more we end up fighting.

Whatever I say just seems to make things worse.

Will I ever get my brother back? 

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