Chapter Fifteen

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The clicking sound of the camera was a constant reminder that it actually happened. Each click was like a fist to my stomach, face, or legs. It felt like it was violating me all over again. I wanted it to be over. I wanted to pretend like Skye and I were kids again playing in the back yard making promises to protect each other.

Promises we could never really keep.

Promises that were meant to be broken.

All of this was my fault. He was barely alive because I opened my big mouth. He was fighting for his life because I could not let him be happy with Natasha. Hot tears burned the corner of my eyes as I thought of the possibility of never seeing him again. What if Skye did not make it? What if the last thing we did was fight?

I heard more clicking as the evidence of that night's violence was being recorded. They whispered comforting words every now and again. I did not want to hear it. I did not deserve to be comforted.

I have heard grown-ups complain that we as children grow up too soon. We know too much. We see too much. We hear too much. We get in serious relationships too early. We have sex too young. They blame us for things that are completely out of our control. I did not choose to grow up with a mother like my mother. I did not choose the long line of boyfriends my mother brought home. I did not choose what they did to me or my brother. I did not choose to be exposed to drugs and alcohol from a young age.

I did not choose my life.

I flinched as one of the examiners lifted my arm to get a better look at my side which was covered in contusions. I sat and stared at the white wall. Why did they always have to paint most Hospitals white? I guess black would be too depressing.

I felt so exposed. I was tired of all of the tests and examinations. I understood that all of this would help to put Goliath away for a long time, but I just wanted to lay down and cry. I wanted to scream out in pain and disgust.

How could he have gone this far? I always knew that he was mean and a bit of a bully, but I never imagined that he would snap the way that he did, maybe I just chose to ignore the warning signs, much like my mother did.

After what felt like hours they gave me a Hospital gown to wear. It was the color of the light blue sky. At least is was an improvement with regards to the white walls. I was escorted to a room and left on my own after they inserted an IV drip into my left hand.

My throat burned from screaming for Goliath to stop. No matter how much I pleaded he would not cave. I wanted to see Skye, but he was still in surgery. After I woke up no one would tell me what was wrong with Skye. All I knew was that it was bad.

I closed my eyes and took a labored breath. Why would they not tell me what was going on? I could not bear the thought of losing him.

A sound woke me up from my self-pity. There was someone next to the bed. I looked up and saw Tyler fast asleep on a chair. He must have fallen asleep from exhaustion. His glasses had almost completely fallen off his nose. His clothes were rumpled and his body was turned in a very uncomfortable position with his one leg under him and the other swinging off of the chair. There was a copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling lying on the ground in front of him. It must have fallen out of his hand when he fell asleep. He snored softly and I found myself smiling.

I lay back with a grunt of pain. My whole body hurt. The noise woke Tyler and he jumped up in his seat. His glasses fell on the tiles.

"What the...?" He bent down and put his hand out feeling for his glasses.

"Good of you to join the land of the living." I grunted.

"Speak for yourself princess."

"Princess? Really? Since when are we into the whole nickname thing." He moved his chair closer to the bed and held my hand.

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