Chapter 2

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When morning had come the next day, Kihyun was up by 7 and was already working on more unpacking. Since Wonho was still asleep, he took it upon himself to look around and adjust a few things in the apartment, while also making a grocery list on things that they still needed. "Maybe we can go to through the park..." He thought aloud as he tapped his pencil against his lip thoughtfully.

It wasn't long after that Wonho was coming into the living room seeking his mother, only to find him sitting on the living room floor looking at paper. "Mommy," Wonho whined as he slipped into Kihyun's lap and sat himself down.

The little antics brought a smile to Kihyun's face before he leaned down to press a kiss to his baby's head, "Do you want to go shopping, with mommy?" He asked although. When he got a nod from him, it had Kihyun putting down his list and patting his son's leg, "Come on baby let's get you dressed." He said urging his son to get up.

Dressing Wonho was easy, but it was getting him walking that was proving difficult. He didn't mind carrying him down from their apartment, but it was once they were walking around that he was being stubborn. He was fine, but the moment he had seen someone walking a dog he had immediately cried out to be picked up, and had not wanted to be put down after that. It was rather cute, but Wonho was getting too big for him to carry. "The dog is gone, baby," He said attempting to put the child back down on his feet.

"No! What if it comes back?!" Wonho had let out with a whine as he curled his feet back up so not to touch the ground.

"He's not going to come back," Kihyun said with a small chuckle before giving in and just straightening back up and settling his son at his hip. 'Maybe the park isn't going to be a good idea right now,' Kihyun decided.

He ended up just walking to the store and grabbed a cart before settling Wonho in the basket. "Okay, let's see what we need," Kihyun said as he pulled out the list from his bag and unfolding it to read his list. It was mostly essentials that they needed to get.

"Mommy I want to hold it," Wonho had let out making grabby hands at the shopping list.

It made Kihyun smile but he had not protested as he handed the list to his son, "Hm, are you going to read it to me too?" Kihyun said with a soft smile before his smile was softening when his son let out an enthusiastic 'Yes'. "Thank you baby," He couldn't help but coo out as he pressed a kiss to his son's head.

It was rather amusing watching his baby boy trying to read the items on his list, but equally amazing when he managed to read those few words without his help. He hadn't ever felt more proud of Wonho's improvements. "Alright, we got the milk. What's next?" he said as he carefully deposited the milk into their cart before slipping a juice as well. But before his son could reply to him, his phone was going off making Kihyun instinctively pull it out and answer.

'Ah, Kihyun have you arrive yet?' the familiar voice of his boss asked.

"Yes, we arrived here yesterday. Why? Did something happen?" Kihyun asked wondering why he was suddenly calling. After all the man had promised to give him a week before he would officially start working.

'Great! I need you to come in as soon as possible. One of our editors called in sick on a short notice, so we need the extra help. This needs to be done by no later than 7 today. Do you think you can make it in time?' His boss practically pleaded.

He had glanced over at Wonho who was trying to sneak in some strawberry milk, which made him walk over and hand it to him. "Sure, but I need to drop my son off at my cousin's before I can head over. I shouldn't be too long."

'Perfect! See you in a bit,' the man said before ending the call shortly after he was yelling at someone else about redoing something.

He quickly called Jin afterwards to see if they could watch Wonho for him. It was a good thing that Jin always picked up. He could always rely on him for that. So when he heard the familiar greeting, Kihyun had said "Jin, do you and Namjoon mind watching Wonho for me?"

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