Ch. 2

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STB: Chapter 2 - Start

It was dark outside the window. In fact, it wouldn’t light up.

Just like the completely stagnant clock, the people of the whole city or maybe even the world had disappeared. Dawn didn’t replace the night and this nightmare had no end.

Jian Hua slowly closed his eyes as he sat motionless against a wall. This was the most energy-saving method and his home was the most secure environment.

Two days and two nights had passed since the elevator incident- Jian Hua estimated this based on his loss of physical fitness. In addition, he discovered more terrible news after returning home that night. In response to quitting smoking, Jian Hua felt hungry. Therefore, he thought about what happened while trying to fill his stomach. However, the water in the pot on the stove wouldn’t burn and the rice cooker was useless.

If he couldn’t cook food then he would eat food that didn’t need to be cooked. He ate half a package of biscuits, crushed instant noodles and crumbled bread. But his hunger was still burning like he hadn’t eaten anything.

He couldn’t communicate with the outside world, couldn’t find people and couldn’t eat food. It felt like the whole world was deserted.

Jian Hua’s thirst was unbearable and his consciousness somewhat blurred. In the past few dozens of hours, he had rushed out of the house to try and find food and water. He had returned to the mall to see the couple eating crazily, throwing aside the wrapping paper and empty water bottles while shouting that they were still hungry.

The strange and terrifying scene caused Jian Hua to feel a chill. He gave up looking for food and drove directly to Linjiang Bridge. At the end of the bridge was a toll station, from where a person could leave the city.

The lights of the toll booth lit up the night and there were no movements on the bridge. As the cold win blew, Jian Hua opened the door and looked down at the river from the bridge.

He didn’t want to commit suicide. Jian Hua wasn’t a man who would give up on his life. It was just that the immediate dilemma made him feel helpless.

Finally, Jian Hua returned home.

He sat motionlessly against the wall in order to reduce physical exertion and with strong perseverance, he endure the hunger. When his thirst was unbearable, he endure the impulse to open the faucet and pour water down his throat.

He had seen the twisted desperation in the eyes of the overeating couple. Jian Hua didn’t want to become like them. Eating was useless, but once he started eating, it was difficult to control the survival instinct to continue eating.

His brain was fuzzy but he still thought about this incident. Jian Hua vaguely felt that himself, or that elevator had fallen through a crack in time.

Jian Hua didn’t understand the specific concept of time fissures. He just felt that the world had stopped in this second and all living things disappearing, except for those in the elevator.They could change dead objects (move or damage an object), but they couldn’t change the living (eating or drinking).

Jian Hua was little strength left due to excessive hunger and thirst, so his eyes drooped down heavily.

He became drowsy and was unable to maintain a clear mind. As he was in the midst of a tormented half sleep, a slight sound entered Jian Hua’s fuzzy head.

Tick tock, tick tock...

It was a stable, clear and regular sound.

Jian Hua slowly opened his eyes and barely regained consciousness. His eyes felt to the wall clock, the old-fashioned glass surface and black needles, where the second hand was moving.

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