Chapter 21

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Third Person P.O.V.

Keith held his breath, his mind reeling as it tried to stop the familiar haze from growing. He pushed down the bile growing in his throat as it tried to creep up. He held back a cry of pain as something sharp snapped in his mind. Keith bit his palm to keep in the pain, not wanting to give Haggar the satisfaction.

"It's alright Keith, you can try to resist all you want but your Galra blood will override your human one, leaving you a hollow husk as you follow my orders. The orders to kill the paladins of Voltron," Haggar chuckled darkly as another wave of the haze hit his brain. She repeated it over and over, sending strong waves washing over his brain as he tried to push down the order, to reject what she told him to do.

"Take him, he'll comply sooner or later, the pain will be unbearable soon," Haggar flicked her wrist to the guard she had recently slapped, turning to him before leaving the room. She brought her foot down on his already messed up wrist, sending a burning pain up his entire arm. His head burst in pain, white filling his eyes as he closed them. His breaths were ragged as he was dragged back to his cell and thrown to the ground, luckily without injuring himself further.

Keith slowly stood, whimpering in pain when his wrist hit his thigh as he moved. He paced the small length of his cell, gritting his teeth as he pushed back the haze that threatened his mind. If he let it consume him, send him to the horrible numb state of mind, then the paladins, his family, would be killed by him without mercy. He could not let that happen, no matter how much pain he was put in, he would not allow them to be hurt.

A burning sensation pricked his lower back, but he paid no attention to it as he continued pacing, focusing all his willpower on pushing down her orders. The warm heat spread up his body, crawling up his back unknown as he went on with his pacing.

The heat jumped form his back to his arm and he winced, hissing in pain as he inspected his arm. Had Haggar injected him with something? If so, when? He surely would have felt the prick of a needle on his skin. Keith fell to the ground when the heat crawled up to his neck, inching up to his head agonizingly slow. His body writhed on the ground as black spots started to fill his vision.

His body was on fire, almost as though he was being drowned in scorching lava in the middle of the hottest volcano in the universe. Sweat dripped down his face, pooling in the mix of his drool and tears that already coated the ground. His body moved with no control, the pain from the heat too much as he tried to gain some semblance of control. He tried to scream, but every cry cut short as his body jerked haphazardly. He tried to speak, but every word cut short by the pain that threatened to take over his body.

The darkness was blurring his vision and he gasped as the black was replaced by a bright white light. The everything was still as the white took over his vision.


Lance sobbed silently as he laid on Pidge's bed. He didn't want to disturb her as she worked on finding Keith, a whole lot more than what he was doing right now. His tears slowed as his thoughts hammered into him.

You're nothing to the team. Look at you, crying on Pidge's bed while she works hard to get Keith back and all you can do is cry like the worthless person you are. You can't do anything to help him, you need to ride on the shoulders and hard work of the others to do anything. You can't do a thing, you don't belong on the team. The others will get Keith back without you and he'll finally know how useless you are, maybe he'll breakup with you. Who would want to date someone as pathetic as you?

"Keith would," Lance mumbled, curling his body tighter as he thought about the conversation he had with Keith. He had been through this before when Keith's voices told him he was worthless and pathetic. He let out a dry laugh. Now he was going through this. He let the tears fall again as he closed his eyes, trying to imagine what might be happening to Keith.

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