Chapter 6

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Keith's P.O.V

"It's purple." The words repeated in my head until my mind registered what they meant. Oh god. The purple came up my neck, they can see it now. I flew my hands up to my neck, resulting in a yelp from Pidge.

"Your hands are purple too!" She pointed, making me pull my hands down.

"You're coming to the med bay," Shiro ordered, picking me up off the bed.

"L-Let go!" I screamed, his metal arm reminding me of how the Galra soldiers threw me around. Shiro hits me with something, making my body go limp.

Pidge's P.O.V

I watched as Shiro knocked the screaming Keith out, his metal arm hitting his neck with a thump. I shivered, wondering how easily Shiro could knock me out like that. We headed to the med bay, scaring a focused Coran.

"We need you to scan him," Shiro said, laying Keith's limp body on the table.

"Why?" Coran asked, already working on it.

"He's all purple!" Hunk exclaims, biting his nails. Coran frowns, turning the scanner on. Keith starts to stir, mumbling stuff under his breath. I get closer, receiving a worried glance from Lance.

"I-I didn't mean to kill them."

"No. N-No stop! Stop it!"

"S-Stop hurting me!" Keith yelled, his eyes shooting open. I fell back, hitting a nearby tray. The medical supplies clatter on the ground, making Keith flinch.

"G-Get away from me! L-Let me go!" He yells, trying to get up, but Shiro holds him down.

"Calm down!" He grunts, Keith's leg kneeing him in the stomach.

"N-No stop! It hurts! It hurts!" He yells, thrashing around. Coran rushes over with a needle, only making Keith panic more, "D-Don't come any closer! G-Get away!" I watch how Keith stares at the syringe, real fear in his eyes.

"S-Stop!" I yell, surprising everyone, "Both of you, back away, you're making him scared." I glance at Keith, he's breathing heavily, watching the syringe. Shiro and Coran hesitantly back away, and Keith retreats into the corner, hugging his knees. I slowly approach him, wary of the claws on his hand.

"Hey Keith," I say in the most reassuring voice I can muster, "We're not going to hurt you, we just want to help."

"S-She said she was helping me too," Keith whimpers, looking up at me.


"Haggar," He answers, hugging himself tighter, pressing his claws into his arm, "But it hurt. It hurt so much."

"What hurt?" I ask, getting closer to him.

"H-Her experiments, a-all the cutting, there was so much cutting," Keith mumbles to himself, "A-And she injected me w-with stuff that burned, i-it burned my body almost as much as the lighting."

"Lightning?" I'm sitting next to him now, rubbing small circles on his back.

"T-The Druids would shoot me with lightning whenever th-they were bored, a-and I couldn't breathe, I wanted to breathe s-so bad." That explained the burn marks he had.

"Well, you're home now, we won't hurt you," I look at the scanner, "Can you get back on the table?"

"Y-You won't strap me down like she did, w-will you?" Tears were flowing down Keith's face, and my heart shattered at how broken he was.

"No, never," I help him up, watching as he hesitantly approaches the table, his breaths coming in fast, short gasps, "Hey, calm down. Breathe Keith, just breathe," I rub his back, listening for his breathing to become regular. When he calmed down, he slowly laid on the table, squeezing my hand tightly. I bit my lip in pain, but I let him until the scan was over, shaking it out.

"It appears that whatever the Galra put in his bloodstream is making his body react to it," Coran twirled his mustache, looking at Keith, "You're changing, into what, I don't know." I looked at Keith, his face unreadable.

"Keith, do you know what you're changing into?" I asked, making him look at me. He gave me a small nod.

"What is it?" Lance asked.

"I-I can't tell you, you'll all hate me," He whimpered.

"We won't hate you, buddy," Hunk smiled, "You're the red paladin of Voltron."

"I-I'm-" Keith let go of my hand, falling to the ground. He screamed, and Shiro and Hunk helped rushed forward, steering clear of his sharp claws. He screamed again, but his cries mingled with it, making it sound like he was in agonizing pain.

"Get him to a healing pod," I ordered, watching as the two boys picked him up. Keith's head hung limply as he cried, and the boys set him into the healing pod.

"What happened?" Shiro asked, panting, "How bad did the Galra hurt him?" I was sad to say I couldn't answer either of his questions.

A/N: Now we're getting to full on Galra Keith. Let's get it! (More like just me, because who would be reading this book)

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