"That doesn't matter to me, Hyung," Namjoon jumps in his seat, leaning in, wanting so bad to just grab the elder's hand. "In the end the decision is mine to make." He smiles, "I was actually starting to lose hope. I thought that maybe your feelings have changed."

"They haven't. But your feelings could," Seokjin notes. "One night with Jimin made you kiss him." The spite in his voice was evident with that one, "In just one night you forgot about all your promises to me."

Namjoon felt his face fall but at the same time he understood the older male's worries. It dawned on him in that moment. Sensing Jin's insecurities, seeing him look away. The only way to prove his love for Seokjin was to choose Seokjin. Despite the public's wants, despite the arguments from his advisers, he needed to choose Seokjin.

He could do that. It was intention all along. It may take a long time to do so, heck even Namjoon didn't know when the competition would end, but until then Seokjin would be hesitant.

"Please wait," Namjoon says, voicing his thoughts, "I'll prove it to you."

There was a knock at the door, "Yah, Joon-ah, you got two minutes!"

Namjoon shifts in his seat, leans in closer to the other, "Would it be too much to ask to kiss you?" he asks hopefully.

Seokjin looks away, but Namjoon can see the hint of pink on his ears, "Yeah, it'd be too much."

It hurts him, yes. But he gets it.

He gets up. Seokjin stays in his seat. Namjoon bends over and cups the top of the elder's head, giving it a quick peck. He feels Seokjin turn rigid in his hands. 

"Don't give up on me," Namjoon whispers before letting go. 

As soon as he does the door opens, Yoongi is entering with his hand covering his eyes. Namjoon rolls his eyes. "We're not making out, Hyung."

"Oh thank god," the general says bringing his hand down, "I did not want to see any of that mushy shit in my office."

Namjoon laughs. He turns to Seokjin, gives him a wink, "I'll see you tonight," he says, to which Yoongi replies a quick 'gross'.

Seokjin just nods. As soon as the king is out of sight, however, he slumps down in the chair and clutches his chest, letting out a deep breath that he had been unknowingly holding in.

Yoongi raises a brow at him and scoff, "Hmp. Drama queen."

"Shut up," Seokjin says, still slumped in his chair, "Yah, how could you do this to your hyung? I know you know that I was trying to avoid him!"

The general shrugs, "He looked pitiful. Also, I was tired of him coming in here every chance he got to see you through the security monitors."

Okay. That was just plain adorable. 

Seokjin placed his hands over his face and groaned. Why was Namjoon so cute? Who allowed him to be this way? Who gave him the right? He was really making it hard for Seokjin to not fall deeper.

Yoongi dully stared at him before he spoke, "So, yeah. Not that I find your presence in here annoying...scratch that. I do. Yeah, can you leave? I've got work to do."

The elder removes his hands from his face to glare at the general. He gets up from the seat and walks out, but not before making faces at Yoongi behind his back.

He walks down the hall. Blushing slightly as he recalls the small peck he received. He sighs. He was most definitely whipped for the king. But he couldn't give in so easily. The competition was uncertain and Jin didn't really want to get hurt.

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