Chapter Fourteen: Take That Attention Whore and Give Her Alcohol.

Start from the beginning

He took a sip of a cup he had filled with water from a paper straw he had managed to get from the store. He steered us in a different direction, taking the straw out of his mouth.  "During my first nights here when I was younger, I ventured out until I would walk about an hour away from where I lived."

"What would you be doing?" I had to ask.

"Random things. Walks help me clear my mind, you know?"

"Yeah. I get it."

"What would you do?" He asked me.

"Well whenever I'm in a new place or any place, to be honest, I would explore somewhere I've never been. I'd call up an old friend or something."

"So, someone you haven't spoken to in a long time?"

"Yeah, I get so caught up in a new environment I almost forget who I have back home or back in New York."

"You do work in New York?" Caleb asked as I spotted a park not too far from where we were heading.

"Not exactly. I'm more based in LA for shootings or anything but I've always envisioned myself living in New York whenever I don't have to be in LA."

'What's in New York? Family?" Caleb asked as we approached the swings before stalling. "Wait, you're from Canada."

"Yeah, but my best friend is based in New York along with another close friend of mine from high school."

"What does your best friend do?"

"She's a dancer," I told him as I put my food down, sitting down on the swing.

"You're an actress and your best friend is a professional dancer." Caleb reached inside my bag, taking another fry.


He shook his head in disbelief. "Imagine the amount of talent if you two were in a room. Wild."

"You don't pick your best friend soulmate," I told him, not making eye contact at his words. Caleb was on the verge of downing the rest of his water when he offered me the cup. I took it, taking a sip of the water through the straw, gesturing towards the bag that he had placed beside my own. "Why do keep stealing my fries when you have your own?"

"What? Oh, no, I didn't buy that for me. Angie told me to get her something to give to you when we come back."

"You're staying over?"

"As much as I would love to be at a slumber party hosted by Charlie's devils that are you, Angie and Krystal," I fought back a smile at his words. "I can't. My agent is expecting to bombard my apartment tomorrow- or later in the morning and I need to make sure I get up at the right time for tomorrow."

"It's Sunday, though." I couldn't help but mumble.

Caleb chuckled, twisting the chains attached to the swings next to me. "I have a little fan meet at noon and I don't want to disappoint."

"Sometimes I forget you're a writer."

He looked at me with a puzzled but amused expression. "How?"

"I don't know."

"Well, sometimes I forget you're an actress." He tried copying and failed big time.

"Don't be an idiot. I literally do my job every time I'm near you."

"Either that or you're mad at me." Caleb let the swings he was twisting go and I watched it spin and spin and spin until it slowed down to a stop.


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