Chapter 1: Green Skin With a Hint of Sparkles, a Stuffed Penguin and a New Girl

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Hey guys! Okay, so this is the first part of Trying to Train a Player (TtTaP) and I hope you enjoy:) There is a bit of name calling going on within this chapter – but nothing too viscous, nevertheless, just a warning. Also, don’t forget to comment, fan, vote etc. it would mean so much:) I really want to hear what your thoughts are for this plot. Thanks and enjoy x :

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Chapter 1: Green Skin With a Hint of Sparkles, A Stuffed Penguin and a New Girl

“Sssh!” Jack shushed her, “you’ll wake up my flatmate.”

“Sorry” the blonde giggled “I can’t help it, everything is just so funny!” she slurred.

“I know, but you got to keep quiet babe. We don’t need any disturbance getting to my room now do we?” Jack winked flirtatiously at the blonde, sending her into another fit of irritating giggles.

Jack just smiled at her, when really he was internally groaning with agitation and mentally rolling his eyes at her drunkenness.

Grabbing hold of the girls arm, he began leading her towards his room, passing the kitchen, the bathroom and the spare bedroom. They were just passing his flatmates door when the girl suddenly stopped, causing Jack to turn round and frown in annoyance.

“What is it?” he whispered to her, trying to keep his voice calm and level. The blonde crossed her arms and huffed, pushing out a big scoop of air showing her annoyance.

“Well, this isn’t very romantic is it? You just dragging me along to your room.” She explained. Sighing, Jack had to try hard to hold back his eyes from rolling at her whiney voice.

“Babe,” he started, trying to sound caring “I know it isn’t, but the romance will start in my room, we just got to go there first so that we don’t wake up my f-“

“Flatmate. I know. You’ve already said that, but it’s annoying.” The girl finished his sentence for him.

Jack sighed, trying to figure out how to just get the damn girl into his room. Suddenly, she started laughing which turned into a high pitched snort. He threw her a questioning look, although she was drunk, he wondered what caused her sudden mood change and what was so amusing that she had decided to break the silence of the flat.

“What? What is it? What’s so funny?” he hissed in annoyance, he was losing his patience and fast.

“Your…’s-it’s-i…” She tried gasping out between her loud sniggers.

“My hand? What about my hand?” He spat, she was becoming a very irritable girl and he kind of regretted getting her this drunk.

“It’s green and glittery.” She managed to get out, still laughing. Jack looked down at his hand that was still on her upper arm to find that it was nothing of the sort. It was same colour it had always been – his skin colour. Jack began to wonder if this girl had been consuming something other than alcohol because she really didn’t seem right.

“My hand isn’t green babe. That’s just your imagination…or your drunken mind, I don’t really care which ever you choose to call it.” Sighing he began to lightly tug on her arm, letting her know that he wanted to carry on walking. Instead of moving, the blonde just stared down at his hand in awe. It was like she was star struck by his hand.

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