Post-Story Info

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Thank you for reading this Attack on Titan Fan-fiction and I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to share with you some info about it before you leave, and if you want.

-This was going to be very different-

I had originally made this a semi-love story between Adriane and Annie (in case you couldn't tell by his story) that would go all the way into the Counter Attack Arc. After the The Wall part, he wasn't going to meet Cindy (See Meeting Cindy) at all. In fact she wasn't a thought at all. When he fought his father, he was going to lose his eye. The day dream part was Annie scolding him about failing.

In fact, he was going to have a lot more day dream parts with him and Annie, he was going to start seeing her almost everywhere.

Yes, he was going to be obsessed with her.

When the Scouts reached the ocean, I was going to have him be a recon person who went to Marley to help them gather info for the Counter Attack Arc. But he would be captured by Reiner, who was going to recognize him, and thrown in jail. Over the course of about two years, he was going to be tortured, beaten and questioned while being visited by the Marley Eldians. This includes the Warriors and Gabbie, Reiner's cousin.

But through the torture, he would get sick and begin to die as the Marley leaders don't care for him. Only through the feelings of Reiner (the brother so to say) was he allowed to live. But as his health failed, so did his mental state. He began to see Annie more often.

Then, when Eren attacked, he would try to get out to help, as his cell door was left open and too weak to go anywhere. Here is how I was going to end it.

- His breathing was now to horse to be quiet. Maybe his lung had finally gave out. 'Guess they don't see me as a threat now.' He sat on the floor and looked out the window the best he could. The sounds of the festival filled the air. Fireworks went off."Was it like this for you Annie?"

She leaned on the cell door. "Yeah, but didn't care for it."

He chuckled, but ended up coughing. "Sorry." He closed his eyes and just listened. A voice filled the air now. It spoke of the past, the future and about Eren. "Eren...The Scouts...." He remembered his mission and how he failed.

Then a boom shook the jail cell and a roar filled the air.

He looked out. "EREN!" Adriane called out. "They are here...*cough*...they" he tried to stand.

"Adriane." Annie said with worry. "Don't go."

He tried to get up but it was too hard. He used the bed for leverage. "I" He stood up. His legs were wobbling and when he took his first step, he fell right to the floor. "They..."

Annie sighed and walked up to him. "Take my hand." She held it out.

He tried so hard to reach it, but just couldn't. "Annie...I..." He then fell flat.

She crouched. "Take my hand Adriane."

He felt lighter, as if his body no longer was there, as he reached up and took her soft hand. It was as if they both glowed now. She pulled him up with a big smile. 


Reiner lead the Scouts, his old friends to the cell. "At the end." He pointed as the gun was held to his head. "Annie, I tried to help him."

She pressed it harder on his head. "Then you should have tried harder." She looked at Armin. "Hold him." She followed Jean. "Adriane!" They looked and her heart dropped. "No..."

Jean felt for a pulse. He closed his eyes and sighed. "He is gone Annie. I am sorry."

She felt a tear coming. "Adriane..." She fell to her knees as the others gathered. "No..."

His body was brought back after the attack and he was buried by the sea. Next to the house that he had built.-

Something like that. But upon reading the Manga further, I saw that 1) it wasn't going to work because the Scouts were already there. 2) Annie was still in her crystal. 3) The Island had allies helping them already. So that was quickly scraped because when I had the idea, I had only gotten to when Reiner returned home.

-Cindy Airgead was a last minute addition-

Yep, after that idea fell through, Adriane was going to be alone. After the jail time idea fell through as well, I had to think of something else. So I was going to stick with the Manga. But I hate the idea of my OC's being alone, so I thought of a Annie type of female member. She was going to look like Annie too, but I thought that was too much. She couldn't be like Annie in every aspect, so I made a more cheery person.

But I had no story for her. In fact the very first part I had for her was her Uprising story. It wasn't as fleshed out as it is now, but that was it. After I began to form her in my head, she came together and her look followed. But I still had no real back story for her, so I just made some shit up. A bit off and strange, but I just went with it.

As for putting her and Annie in the same unit, I just wanted a connticon to be there so she would feel upset about Annie being a Titan.

Her family being corrupt? Just something to add to her. Not really because I thought it would be interesting. The same for her friend being killed in the Cadet Corps. Her Corps fiends weren't fleshed out ether, just acting as 'add-on's' per-say. Only Clare was the one I wanted to work on because I wanted someone to be there for her. 

I based Clare on Lighting Farron from Final Fantasy XIII just in case y'all couldn't tell. She was going to be only in the part where Cindy took her family in, but I liked her to not have her in more.

-Little Adriane/Adam Matthews-

So, he was meant to be a spit in the face to Adriane by his father. He was going to be born after he joined the Corps, if you read Meeting the Father you will know before I edited it. Lawrence thought that Adriane was never going to come back and named his new son afterwards. But when I thought about this, and a possible new story, it was going to be too hard to keep them strait. So I changed his name to keep it simple.

Again, he was only going to be a very small character in the story, only showing up with his mother in a few more parts.

-There was going to be a LOT more-

As the line above says...there was going to be a lot more. But thinking about it, doing a near daily life story was going to be too much. And annoying. One for you guys and me trying to think of what to do until this point. The two main OC's were going to see Cassandra more, try to interact with the AoT cast, so on and forth. So I cut it down.

-Worked on different Arcs/parts separately-

There are parts of the story I had written long before reaching them. This includes the Bertholdt/Adriane fight. That was written about three months before I put it out. This is why some parts seem strange or like they don't work together well. I formed parts around those I had already done, and/or worked on those parts again.

-I used parts from the Manga-

YES, I did use a lot from the Manga. There is no copyright infringement intended. I knew that there were parts that need to be used from the Manga in order to keep as in line with it as possible. All works of Attack on Titan belong to Hajime Isayama

I used story elements from the Manga (Attack on Titan), the show (Attack on Titan) and the video game. (Attack on Titan 2 for the X-Box One)

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