Cindy Airgead - 104th Cadet Corps

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I stood proudly with the rest of my class. I had put my hair into a braded pony tail and hung it off my left shoulder. It looked nice and felt right.

Fifteen and going to join the Cadets to save the world.

I had noticed some of my friends were there. 'Well, at least I will not be alone here.' I thought.


"Listen up people!" Their instructor, Tans, said. "You are here because of your own reasons. Some of you want to keep our Walls safe, others want to fight the Titans while a few want to serve the King. However, first you must prove you can stand on your own. This Corps will show those who can and those who can't. If you cannot stand on your own, then you will fail." He began to pace. "You will learn to work as a team, you will learn about the Titans, how to kill them, learn how to use your Omni-Directional Mobility Gear, how to care for them and fight."

Cindy smiled. 'Good. Can't wait to learn more.'

"But for today, I will see each one of you and decide if you have the fire I am looking for. If you don't, you will leave. Don't you dare ask for another chance."


As Tans looked at me, not a word was spoken. He only grinned and nodded. I was ready. I smiled and turned to see a boy with red hair looking at me. He winked with a grin. I cocked an eyebrow. Did he just hit on me? 'Creep.' I thought. 'Hope he wasn't looking at my ass the whole time.'

Tans then separated us into two groups. The large one was the ones who were going to stay. I saw a few who were told they were leaving who wanted to argue, but Tans was clear and not a word was spoken. They removed their Cadet uniforms and left by wagon.

I was finally able to meet my friends I had made after my move.


"Well, no surprise seeing you here Cindy." Annabel said. She was a little rounder than most with black hair and green eyes. "I thought for sure I was going back home."

"You think too little of yourself. "Ariel said with sadness. "You are better than you think!" The skinny, blonde, girl hugged Annabel. "Try to be positive."

Cindy smiled and looked at Rita, a red head. "Well, we are all here. Let us all make sure we stay here."

"We know you will Cindy." Rita smiled. "Would be shocked if you weren't number one."

"Yeah, we all want to go for MP's, but you are a sure fire one!" Annabel almost jumped. "I just hope the Garrison will take me." She looked around. "I wonder how many others want to be MP's"

Cindy looked back too and thought the same. "More importantly, why do they want to be MP's?" She knew that those who wanted to be MP's mostly wanted an easy life of not doing much of anything. Work hard for three years then take the easy road for the rest of their lives. She maybe was the only one who had no real chose in the matter if she made top ten.

She then saw that red head boy with four others. They too were joking around. 'Hope he washes out soon.' She looked away in disgust. 'Can't believe he did that already.'


The four sat at the dinner table, sharing more stories. Though they were close friends, they hadn't seen each other for a few months now. There wasn't much change, but Cindy was happy to see them again.

"Don't look now Cindy, but I think you have an admirer." Ariel said, head down and voice soft.

Cindy sighed with disgust. "Red head boy who looks desperate?"

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