Cindy Airgead - Childhood

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From the time I was born I was wanted by this world with my brother, a twin. My parents both held us both in their arms, their Little Angels. Then sadness came as my brother had passed away moments after he joined me. Something had gotten into him that ended his life and so I was quickly checked. I was fine, but two Angels became one. I didn't find this until later of course, but my parents were glad I lived.

For the first five years of my life, we lived in Trost District behind Wall Rose. My father was in the Military Police while my mother stayed home with me. During the days, I would play with other children. Night times I would begin my education. I was to get the best that I could. My family, the Airgead Family, had been in the Military Police since the beginning of the Regiment. For just over a hundred years, the Airgead's protected the King and the order he brought.

Though there have been a few females, it was more of a male thing. All males were to join the MP, no matter what. But since my father now had no son, that responsibility fell to me. This too I didn't find out till later.

But as a child, I would enjoy life and what I was given.


She was eating her sandwich and read her book, her blonde hair getting in the way occasionally. It was a history book of the world. She read and reread it many times over. Her mother wondered why but none the less, she was happy to see her daughter taking history seriously. What her mother didn't know was the questions Cindy was forming but knew much better than to ask. Questions like where did the Titans come from? Who really built the Walls? How did they build them if they were always under attack? Why didn't the Walls seem built by Human hands? If they were made by God, then why would He allow the Titans to remain?

Those who questioned the King and written history tended to vanish or be labeled Heretic. She didn't want those to happen. She knew better, even as a child.

The door opened, and Cindy saw her father. "DAD!" She jumped off her chair and ran to hug him. "How are you? How was your day? Did you get any new books?" She asked quickly without a breath in between.

He chuckled and hugged her. "I am fine, it was good and sadly no." He picked her up. "So, how about you finish eating and get ready for bed? I have some news to share tomorrow."

"You can't now? She asked, wanting to know.

"Not tonight Angel." He said and placed her back on her chair. "You should hear it tomorrow."

"Ok." She smiled and ate the last of her sandwich, swinging her legs back and forth. An hour later, she was laying in her bed. That was when she heard her parents talking in hushed voices.

"Transferred?" Her mother, Anna, gasped. "Now? She is meant to start school soon!"

"I know, but where we are going, the schools will be better." Her father, Ron, said. "This will be better in the long run. Expectably when she goes to the Cadet Corps. You know my father is pushing us for her to follow the family tradition." He sighed. "I know that isn't what we want, maybe not even Cindy, but we have to play along for now."

"What do you mean?"

He was quiet. He looked and saw her door was opened and closed the door, ending her hearing over the conversation. 'This is why he didn't want me to know tonight.' Cindy thought. 'Now I won't be able to sleep.'


The next day I was told that we would be going to the north, to a new home, a better home. But that meant that I was going to lose all of my friends. Sure, I could come back and visit, but that would take time. And as a child, that was too much.

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