Harry gives Louis a look that's not very readable. Louis can't tell if he's annoyed or just thinking. Finally Harry drops the pencil he was twirling in his fingers sighs. "You know that's against the rules, right?"

Louis looks guilty as he nods. "Yeah I know, if I can't that's fine I just could really use the money and I need a distraction," Louis explains.

"Well if I let you then everyone else will want to." Harry doesn't seem to be angry or annoyed. He's speaking calmly in almost an amused way, yet still managing to be completely monotoned.

"Yeah, I get it. I'll just go home and come back tomorrow I guess," Louis says. He knew it was a long shot so he's not really disappointed considering he wasn't expecting anything in the first place.

Louis turns and starts to walk to the door. Part of him kinda wishes Harry would still tell him he could stay just this once. Nothing happens though, and Harry doesn't change his mind so Louis leaves the office.

"You staying?" Noah asks as Louis comes back out into the open area of the bar.

"No, he said if he lets me then everyone else will want to." Louis tells him as he walks through the mini door to get to the opposite side of the bar.

"Oh, well at least he didn't get mad."

"Yeah true. Have a good night," Louis says to Noah as he gives a small wave goodbye.

When Louis gets back to the changing room he packs his bag making sure to stuff his heels inside before zipping it and slinging it over his shoulder. As he's leaving Bebe walks in on a break in between her dances but they don't say anything besides hi to each other.

When Louis gets into his car he turns on the radio. He starts driving away and gets halfway to the dorms before his phone dings. He looks down at it and sees it's a text from Bebe so at the next stoplight he opens it.

B: You left your money bag here how did you even forget that?? I locked it in my locker

How did he forget that? The whole reason he's dancing in the first place. What if someone stole it? He made good money tonight and it would really suck if it was all for nothing.

L: Okay, thanks for texting me. What's your lock combo so I can get into it

B: I'm telling you bc I trust you so don't do anything stupid or I'll kill you

B: 2-11-17

L: thank you!! You're a life saver xx

L: And you can trust me we're friends now and I would never stab a friend in the back

B: good.

Louis turns around as soon as he can and heads back to the club. It might not be dancing but hey, at least it's something besides going back to his dorm.

When he gets back to the club there's still a lot of people but he can tell that some have left. Usually the club starts dying down around 2:30 am because most nights they close around 3 am.

Louis makes his way back to the locker room and then finds Bebe's locker. He puts in the combo she gave him and after two tries it opens. Louis grabs his money bag and then closes it and locks it. He sends Bebe a text saying that he got it and he's leaving now.

When he gets back out to the main area he heads straight for the exit. Before he can get there though, his name is called.

"Louis? I thought you were done?"

Louis spins around and sees Harry standing there with a water bottle in one hand and a small stack of papers in the other. He assumes the papers have to do with the club or whatever work Harry has to do as the owner.

"Oh yeah, I am I just forgot something so I had to come back."

Harry glances at the bag in Louis hand. "Your money bag? How did you forget that?"

Louis gives a quick laugh, "I don't know, honestly. Bebe was a savior and locked in in her locker for me, so thankfully no one stole it."

"Oh, so you're leaving for good now?"

"Yeah...unless you've changed your mind about letting me dance," Louis jokes.

"Why would you want to dance even more. Aren't you tired?"

"A little, but I want a distraction."

Harry gives a nod to say he understands that obviously something happened. Harry probably doesn't think it's any of his business so he doesn't ask any questions. Neither of them say anything for a second but then Harry seems to remember he has the papers in his hand.

"Kay, well I'll see you later I guess, I've got to fill these out," Harry holds up the papers.

"Right, see you tomorrow night," Louis says but then adds, "Or maybe not I don't know."

Harry doesn't say anything so Louis just gives a tight smile and turns around. He walks out of the club and gets back in his car. Now that he's not in the loud and crazy club he starts to finally feel tired. He drives back to his dorm and when he gets home he puts on clean boxers and a plain white t-shirt. Niall's already asleep so Louis just crawls into his bed.

He stares up at the ceiling in the dark and thinks. Every time Harry's brought up in a conversation whether it be with Bebe, or Noah, or the dancer Louis talked to the other night, or even Niall, there always seems to be the same theme.

"Harry's antisocial"

"Harry gets mad easily"

"Harry's emotionless"

"Harry's a workaholic"

Louis just doesn't get it. Sure, he's only talked to Harry a few times but every single time he has, Harry seemed nice. He's not like, a social butterfly or anything but he never seems...cold. Maybe the others just judge him based on how he looks.

Harry does have a very intimidating look. He's tall, muscular, and he always does this thing where he knits his eyebrows together and it makes him look mean but he's really just thinking. At least that's what Louis thinks, anyway.

Louis can understand why mean and cold would be someone's first impression of him but Louis just can't see it for himself. Harry's probably just one of those people who only opens up when they really know and trust you. It doesn't mean he's heartless.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

A/N: What's your favourite thing about yourself? And don't say nothing bc there has to be something you like even if it's a personality trait

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