8. Surprise

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Chapter eight

Three days and he still hasn't made a grand entrance. Never. Not once. It kinda stinks because I'm feeling kinda guilty. I should probably blame how my friends are kinda sulky and quiet now. Hmm.' I kinda miss him too. ' my subconscience piped in and I scowled.

'What? No you don't . Shut up' I scoffed shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth aggressively. 'But it's true. He's hot. And creepy' my subconscience mumbled. 'Exactly he's weird!' I yelled mentally. 'I like weird' my subconscience mumbled and I rolled my eyes as I turned up the Tv.

I watched as Gibbs slapped Dinozzo in the back of the head and I smiled. 'Dinozzo is hot' she said loudly in my mind and I grinned . "Yes he is" I responded out loud through a mouth full and she rolled her eyes with a smile.

My phone buzzed beside me and I groaned as I picked it up and said through a mouthful "Hello?". "Alyssa. Hi" a familiar male voice breathed out. I immediately began spitting out the popcorn kernels from my mouth as I squeaked "Jackson". "So you do remember me" he chuckled out nervously and my breath hitched.

Jackson Quinn. Captain of the football team. Brunette hair. Green eyes . 6'1 ft. Smoking babe. 'Damn! No! Not smoking ! Shut up! We love Gunner!' my mind yelled and I tuned her out.

"Uhm..Hi Jackson " I squeaked again turning the tv down a bit. "Hey....how are you?" he asked nervously and my subconscience burst into laughter in my mind . "Uhm..I'm good" I said unsure then I said "How did you get my number?"

"I stole it...from Carter"he said and I muttered an 'oh'. "So..are you coming to the party tomorrow night?"he asked and I chirped "Yeah...". "Would you be my ...uh date?" he asked and I froze . "Why?"I squeaked and that my friends is when yet another guy failed my test.

"Well for one you're hot and you look good on me.Plus you're kind of high on the market right now. You'd really help spike up my status" he said goofily and I paused as I looked blankly at the phone. "Lyssa?" I heard him call again and I clenched my jaws as I hung up and grabbed a pillow screaming in it.

I hate this. I hate the idiot arrogant dudes at my school .Ugh . Curse this.

When I looked at the tv again it had advertisements running so I got up with a frown and took up the bowl of popcorn. Why god ? Why did you have to make Jackson arrogant? Atleast you could have made him gay but why? My subconscience danced around in my mind and I glowered inwardly.

A knock sounded on my door and I frowned. Mom and dad are out but they wouldn't knock. Maybe Harper? Or Carter? Or...a robber ? That's stupid robbers don't knock. They break in. A knock cut through my thoughts again and I rested my bowl on the marble counter in the kitchen.

I slowly sauntered towards the door with my hand feet lingering onto the soft brown carpet . The knock sounded again almost impatiently and I moved towards the keyhole and looked through it. I could almost feel chills running up my back as I thought of scenes similar to this in horror moves.

In one scenario I'd get shot in the eye. In the other for a few seconds nothing would be there then I'd be scared to death by something. Either way I looked. I took the risk. Luckily there was nothing there. I sighed a breath of relief as I turned around and made my way to the living room and turned off the tv.

Maybe a shower will calm my nerves. A nice hot shower. And so I made my way up the flight of stairs and to the bathroom. I spent about thirty minutes enjoying the warm rhythmic beat of water on my body until I finally turned off the shower but something still didn't feel right.

The whole house had a creepy taunting allure to it now and it made every hair on the nape of my neck stand on edge. I blew out a heavy breath as I wrapped my self in a towel and let my hair fall down on my back dripping wet.

You're just on edge Alyssa. There's nothing I worry about. You're perfectly fine . I kept on repeating it as I made my way to my room. In my room seemed more scary than every where else and really cold. I took in a sharp breath as I flickered on the lights and made my way to my dresser.

I was about to unwrap my towel until I saw the reflection of myself. But not only my reflection his as well. He sat on the edge of my bed with some of his ebony hair coming down into his deep blue eyes as he kept his lips in a thin line. His jaw were in a firm prominent set.He wore a white thin T-shirt and a dark blue jeans pants.

Heat rapidly flew to my face as my breath hitched and my eyes widened. A small upturn formed on the corners of his face as he watched me. "Took you long enough" .

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