16 | Cecilia's Wolf

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The next night, Jackson was busy with some pack work that he and Eli needed to get finished. He said that I could come over and hang out, but that he would be busy most of the time. I'm sure it would have been fun to hang out with Mason and Alice, but I decided to use the time that Jackson was busy to spend some time with Xavier. I hadn't seen him in a long time and it was good to have him back around.

We really had been best friends until he'd moved and the distance had slowly separated us. We talked on the phone every day at first, but eventually the calls dwindled and I hadn't heard from him in about five months before he showed up in town the day Bane had attacked me.

It was past time for us to catch up and having a Saturday night to do so was perfect.

"So, I was thinking," Xavier said, causing me to look over at him. We were just laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to decide what to do tonight. I didn't really have any ideas that involved leaving the house as the town didn't really have an active social destination for those of us under twenty-one. "We should go to a club."

I raised an eyebrow at him, knowing that wasn't going to be possible. "Okay, first, my parents would never let us go, second, I'm not old enough, and third, we don't have any underage clubs."

Xavier rolled his eyes. "Nice list. Let me address all of the problems you see with my idea. You do actually have a club around here that I can get you into, you just have to be special enough to know about it, and your parents will be fine with it if I tell them that it's an underage club and that I'll keep an eye on you."

"Is it an underage club?" I asked, wary of the tone he'd used.

He made a face at me. "Well, not exactly, but you're not too young to get in. They don't have a specific age limit or anything, you just have to be special. It's mostly teens and up."

"And how special do you have to be to get in?" I asked. There had to be a catch in there somewhere.

Xavier gave me his best innocent face and said, "Vampire special?"

And there's the catch.

I stared at him with shock widened eyes. "You want to take me to a vampire club?" I asked for clarification, almost positive that he was joking. "And you want to tell my parents that it's a safe, underage club? I don't think so."

Xavier sighed, rolling onto his stomach so that he could face me more easily. "Come on, Ceci! The club isn't dangerous and you are half vampire!"

Okay, he had a point with the half-vampire thing. "What if someone tries to eat me?" I asked of him.

Now he rolled his eyes as if I was just being stupid. "No one is going to try to eat you." His tone was impatient and annoyed, as if I should know this already.

"It's a legitimate question!" I exclaimed in my defense.

"Look," he replied, "Do you remember when I told you that you smell delicious but the vampire genes were a turn off?" I nodded in response. "All the other vampires feel the same way. Plus, the coven loves getting to know dormants. They enjoy showing you who they are and who you could be."

I copied Xavier's position, rolling on to my stomach and thought it over. It was better than staying here all night and it definitely had to possibility to be fun. I'd never been to a club before. "Will there be blood there?" I asked him.

He nodded. "It is a vampire club, Ceci. However, since you smell like a dormant, you most likely won't be offered any. Most dormants don't drink blood and the vampires there know that."

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