10 | Cecilia's Wolf

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Being grounded sucked. After I get out of school, I go sit in my room all night and text. And the only people texting me back are Jackson and Taylor. Kayla and Lisa have been going out on dates a lot more frequently. They've gotten into internet dating and no matter how often I bring up the dangers of it, they insist that it's working. I guess I should just be happy that they take each other to the dates, but I'm not. I worried about them until they texted and said they were home again.

Jackson was still upset that I'd gotten grounded and felt like it was his fault. I explained to him that we both carried some responsibility for falling asleep and that we can't go back and change it. Rafe started getting impossible to deal with after only a day and a half, so Jackson had a habit of coming after school just to say hello and give me a hug and kiss. I couldn't stay with him, as much as I wanted to, because I only had twenty minutes to get home after the bell.

I had asked him why Rafe was freaking out and he'd explained to me that werewolves didn't like being away from their mates for very long, that it can actually hurt to be away from them for too long. He explained that due to some werewolf technicalities, which he still hasn't explained, he's not actually in pain from being away from me, but that he and Rafe get very anxious the longer we're apart and that Rafe is extra protective because of the run in with Bane and the fact that I'm human.

I asked him what the technicalities were, but he said we'd talk about it another time. I don't know about anyone else, but when two people refuse to explain them to me, I start to get a little worried. I wondered worriedly if it was somewhere along the lines of me having to be changed into a werewolf or something. Not that it wouldn't be cool to be a werewolf, but I'm not sure how I'd react to something like that.

I mean, I've seen Jackson go back and forth with Rafe and I'm not sure I'd enjoy having another consciousness in my body. Especially since Jackson said that if he and Rafe get angry enough, Rafe could take over and that can be dangerous. "Not for you, obviously," he'd added quickly. "No matter how angry Rafe was, his number one desire is to protect you."

Either way, I don't think I would like it.

"Ceci!" my mom's voice rang up the stairs as I was staring at my phone, waiting for the verdict on Kayla's date for the evening and for Jackson to get off patrol.

Groaning, I pulled myself out of bed and headed down to the kitchen where she was waiting for me. She smiled at me when I walked in and motioned for me to come over to the counter. When I did as I was told, she started to speak.

"Okay, I need you to go to the grocery store for me and get some biscuits. I've already got everything going and I can't leave it," she said to me, her eyes pleading. "The only catch is that you absolutely must be home before your father.

I laughed at her. She knew that my dad wouldn't let me run this errand for her. Glancing at the clock, I realized that I had an hour and a half before he would be home. It was Friday, and most people would be ungrounded today, but my dad had this thing about me being grounded for exactly a week. So, technically, I'm still grounded until tonight at one in the morning. My mom, however, was a little more sensible. And desperate. She took pride in her cooking and couldn't stand not having biscuits of some kind with a large meal like this.

She handed over a twenty dollar bill and her car keys, explaining that if I took her car and my dad came home early, my car wouldn't still be warm. She was paranoid, but I just laughed and accepted the money and keys. I highly doubted that my dad was going to check my car to see if it's been driven recently when he gets home, but I don't mind wasting my mom's gas instead of mine.

I happily texted Jackson about my brief outing as I climbed into the car, knowing he'd be back from patrol anytime. He didn't disappoint. He responded before I left the driveway with a congratulatory text and many happy emoticons. He never used them until I told them that I liked them and now he uses them almost every time that he sends me a text message.

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